
Before Azreal and Nala left the ally the eavesdropping pig hurriedly left, outside of the city a hut was in the forest, a makeshift central command.

The pig didn't stop running until he got back, running past the other pigs that were there, going straight into the hut where their leader was.

"I found them! I found them!"

Despite his heavy panting he spoke clearly, describing everything he saw and heard in detail.

"Are you sure it was them?" The leader asked in a grave tone.

"Yes sir!" Although frightened he held his ground.

"Good! Good! Call everyone"


At Novak's shop.

Xavious walked right in, he didn't stop at the front desk instead walking around the counter and going into the back.

Novak looked up at him with her multiple eyes but she didn't say anything until he took out a card and threw it to her.

After scanning the card carefully she observed him from head to toe.

"What happened"

Xavious wanted to just spit out the truth but he knew he'd probably get killed by her on the stop and if she didn't kill him this would probably count as betraying Azreal so…

"Some idiots tried to rob me after I left the auction house"

Squinting her eyes a bit she stared at him without saying anything.

A few seconds had past and she still hadn't spoken so Xavious decided to speak up.

"I did my part, can I get my weapon now?"

Novak nodded faintly, and that was enough for Xavious so he left the back room and grabbed the glaive off the wall and left.

In the back room Novak still hadn't moved even after Xavious had left.

"What's wrong?"

Out of nowhere, a masculine voice appeared and shortly after so did the spider body, almost like a moment ago he'd blended in with the shadows on the wall, shortly after he appeared five more like him appeared in the same fashion.

"I get the feeling he was lying about something"

The man who had spoken earlier looked at the spot where Xavious was a moment ago.

"Is the card real?"

Novak nodded in affirmation.

"Then why care? He's just a common thief, we got what we wanted no point in worrying about matters that don't affect us"

Reluctantly Novak nodded.


On the walk back to their room, the wolf that tracked Xavious here appeared again, Nala instructed him to find out if a Damian was at the auction and if that was his full name where he was located.

Hearing his order the wolf nodded and vanished again.

"Back there what is it that you used to write on Xavious' body?"

Nala who had been quiet for a time finally spoke up, Azreal didn't answer immediately, she thought that it was because he didn't want to tell her but really he just didn't want to say any crap so he was thinking.

"They're Runes"

The less he said the less likely he was to utter any bullshit, Nala, on the other hand, didn't know this, she didn't walk very fast so Azreal was walking in front of her and so she couldn't see his face.

"I know what they are, I don't know much about runes but those look nothing like what I've ever heard of"

Nala spoke in her usual aloof unemotional voice but her eyebrows were slightly crushed.

Once again Azreal didn't immediately answer because he wasn't sure what to say, He didn't want to go around telling everyone but at the same time he wanted to talk to her.

"It's a form of runes I learned before, I never asked but why did you come along?"

Nala didn't know why Azreal was being distant and it confused her, before it seemed like he really wanted to talk to her and now that he got the chance why wasn't he taking it?

Thinking that he didn't want to talk she didn't answer his question, Azreal, on the other hand, sighed on the inside.

'Even when I try! Another awkward night....'

In the morning the wolf once again showed up.

"What did you find out" Nala asked.

"The one who bought the sword at the auction is called Damian Narley [1], he lives slightly outside of the city at…"

Hearing the report from the wolf, Nala and Azreal nodded, Azreal was a bit surprised that Xavious was telling the truth.

"Let's go pay him a visit to see if he's willing to sell"

Unlike last time all three of them left together for Damian's house which was only about an hour from the city.

A big mansion built next to a lake, guards of different races making their rounds on the property.

"What do you want!"

The guards at the gate blocked them.

"Tell mister Damian that we're here to talk about the Emperors Build"

Nala took no offense to the guards shout and answered honestly, the guards, on the other hand, looked at her for a second after confirming that she wasn't joking one of them went inside to inform him.

It didn't take more than five minutes before the guard came back with someone.

"Right this way please, Mr. Narley will be with you in a minute"

The warbeast who appeared to be a butler lead them into a living area and disappeared for a moment before coming back with food and refreshments after a minute or two.

And in short order Damian appeared, a tall slender lion, his long mane seemed uncared for, his hair was completely knotted.

"How can I help you?" he spoke in a calm yet confident voice.

"We'd like to buy or trade with you for the Emperors Build" Nala didn't see any reason to start with formalities so she just got right to the point.

Damian smiled and observed them for a moment, especially Nala and the wolf that came with them, with a sigh he spread his arms.

"As you can see I'm not in need of much, What would you trade with?"

"What do you want?"

To her, it was simpler to just ask rather than play any guessing games or maybe it was just her inexperience.

Damian smiled at her response.

"Not too far from here is a mine that has been overrun by some local bandits, if you could go there and retrieve a golden chest for me then we'll trade"

The butler that was standing to the side took up a small chest that was to the side and placed it on the table in front of them.

"It looks exactly like this"

The chest was about eight inches long and four wide, all over its body were several warbeast fighting.

Nala just nodded after observing the box for a moment, when she nodded Damian's butler provided them with directions to the bandits

"Well that seems simple enough"

Azreal said after they left the mansion, he was just thinking about getting back the sword and somehow having someone examine it to find out what it's made of.

"Your wrong, if he's willing to trade the sword then what's in the chest must be important and I don't believe that mere bandits could steal something valuable from him, for now, let's head back to the city and get your friend to come along, since we don't know what we'll face it's better to have back up"