"What now?" Xavious asked while they walked back to the house.
"We're leaving today"
"Where to?"
Xavious' steps slowed down a bit but he kept walking, when they got into the house Azreal tossed him his glaive, Xavious, on the other hand, was a bit distracted by the scythe that was on the ground.
"Is this what you made?"
Walking closer he looked it over from top to bottom.
"Wow, this looks just like—I can't believe….how do you know the formula?"
Xavious looked up at Azreal in surprise.
Azreal, on the other hand, handed him a piece of paper.
"Go out and buy anything you think we might need for the trip, tell them to just add it to this bill"
Xavious took the bill from Azreal and looked it over, he couldn't help but freeze and stare at the scythe while backing away.
"Why the hell is this so expensive?!"
Azreal didn't respond, instead changing the topic.
"Your shopping for three"
Xavious was slightly surprised, was that wolf kid coming along?
"One of these wolves are coming? Why would bring one when you're basically stealing their sacred treasure? Besides, how are we supposed to carry this much stuff? Do you know how long it's gonna take? We can't carry that much food and water"
Azreal didn't answer instead he walked over to the scythe and tossed it into his space ring while pulling out its double and tossing it on the ground.
"Anything else?"
Xavious in his stunned state started at Azreal trying to find a clue about where he tossed the items.
"How'd you do that?"
From Xavious' perspective Azreal wasn't wearing a space ring or anything like that, so where could he have placed them.
Azreal, on the other hand, was getting annoyed the only reason why he did what he just did was to shut Xavious up but instead it only made him more talkative.
Once Xavious realized that he was being ignored he left but he didn't forget.
Once Xavious finally left, Azreal picked up the scythe double, it was only now that he realized that he didn't have anything to hold it in place.
Azreal pushed it aside as something he'd get before they left.
Once he settled his mind on that he walked out of the house to go over to where Nala was, when he got to her room he just knocked once and walked in, after all, his thoughts had no bearing on reality.
When he walked in, Nala was sitting in a small sofa reading a book, when she saw who came in she returned back to her book.
This made Azreal feel slightly disappointed.
She was in a light dress, that seemed perfect for the beach, looking at her Azreal raised an eyebrow.
"Is that what you're wearing?"
Closing her book she gave Azreal a questioning look, thinking it over he really never said he would take her, he only asked why she wanted to travel.
Without any other choice, he forced a smile.
"We're leaving today, if you still want to come get your stuff together"
Once he said that he walked back out, inside the room Nala's couldn't suppress her smile, her usual aloof demeanor was broken and she had a stunning smile.
After he did that he had nothing else to do, so he went in search of Azan to let him know he was leaving and he'd bring Nala along.
When Azan heard that he hugged Azreal tightly and invited him to drink to celebrate, Azreal turned him down.
With all of that done he went back to the house, all he could do now was wait for Xavious and Nala.
"You know you really should name your weapon"
He had been there alone meditating for close to an hour before he heard Darius, opening his eyes he thought for a minute or so but couldn't come up with anything so he just shrugged.
"I'll name it later"
Darius didn't respond, so he went back to meditating.
Another two hours passed before Xavious came in and he wasn't quite either.
"Just put them anywhere"
Opening his eyes Azreal saw several people walk in with a few big bags.
He didn't need to ask anything, he just got up and moved out of the way, Xavious, on the other hand, walked over to him and gave him the bill that had another page attached to it.
Putting the bill aside, Azreal had no intention of going through it, since he wasn't paying.
Walking over to the bags Azreal tossed all of them in the space ring, once the ones who carried it left.
"I need something to hold my scythe in place on my back, I'll be at the village front"
Xavious wanted to say something but held it in and left the house.
Searching through the house for anything he might've left behind Azreal headed to the village exit, he didn't have to wait very long before Xavious came with a black coat —with a few calming designs on it— and tossed it in his face.
On the back of the coat were two little claw-like things, putting it on it went a little below his knees, the coat itself was a little big but in a good way.
When he tried to push the scythe in it met with a little resistance but when he tried pulling it out it was like butter.
When Xavious handed him the bill there were another two pages attached to it, Azreal didn't need to read the bill to know that Xavious got himself some expensive crap but since wasn't the one pay he still didn't care.
"How long are we waiting?"
Azreal ignored him, he was wearing a hooded cloak but it definitely wasn't the same one he came in and a faint glistening could be seen coming from the slight opening in the cloak.
All Azreal did was smile a little when he noticed it and wait for Nala in silence.
They didn't need to wait very long before they saw a few figures approaching, Nala was walking in front, she wore knee-high boots, a short skin and a blouse, she had a sash shell wrapped around her waist, both of her arms had on light arm that looked cheap, on her waist a sword in sheath and a giant bag on her back.
She still looked like her usual aloof self but with boundless excitement in her eyes.
Nala wasn't in her humanoid form, instead, she looked like a humanoid wolf.
Beside her were Azan, Ahadi and some people he didn't know.
"Take care of my cousin and bring her back safe" Azan said with a smile.
Ahadi on the hand hugged Nala tightly.
"You know what to do if you ever want me to come for you"
Ahadi didn't say anything to Azreal only nodded to him, saying anything else at this point was pointless, any threats or anything like that would be meaningless.
Before they left Azreal didn't forget to hand him the bill, when Ahadi saw it he wasn't sure if he should laugh or cry.