
They had been traveling through the forest for almost half an hour after leaving the wolf town before anyone spoke to break the silence that had enveloped them.

"Where are we going?" Nala asked still with the same excitement in her eyes.

When Azreal heard her question he became curious as well since he never asked before so he looked towards Xavious.

Xavious, on the other hand, seemed like he hadn't heard the question.

"Xavious" Azreal called out after a minute had passed.

When Azreal called out to Xavious it seemed like Xavious subtly picked up a little speed, Azreal furrowed his brows.

"Did you forget what those marks on your chest can do? Stop"

The moment the words entered his ears he stopped, when Azreal came over his face was completely normal like he had nothing to hide.

"Why are you avoiding the question?"

Xavious was just about to say something when he felt the slight burning come from his chest, so without much hesitation, he spoke.

"I don't know where we're going next exactly" Xavious didn't plan on saying much else but as he looked into Azreal's eyes he decided to continue speaking.

"Kakar and the others don't really stay in one place for too long, when we first came here I knew where to go but since we've been here for almost a month, they're bound to have moved already but I have a pretty good idea of where I can get some directions"

When Xavious finished speaking he waited for Azreal to say something.

Nala on the other hand although slightly worried about the present turn of events didn't say anything she just stood to the side, before she was basically in charge when she, Azreal and Xavious went to get back the sword but now she was a guest, so she played the role of one.

"Why didn't you say that from the beginning?"

Xavious didn't answer instead he looked Azreal from head to feet first.

"If I did you would've probably left me there"

With that thought Azreal couldn't help but admit he was right, he would've left him there.

Shaking his head Azreal smiled slightly.

"This might work out better anyway"

"How so?" Nala who had been quiet all along asked.

"Because carrying you around through the forests isn't showing you much, maybe it's better if we travel by the main" Azreal answered with a smile.

'This might also give me a chance to finally activate [ Eternal Damnation ]' he added in his head.

Contrary to expectation Nala didn't look excited instead she showed a slightly worried expression with creased brows.

"I don't think that would be good for now, Novak will probably be looking for us and the Pigmen will be looking for you two"

Xavious who was to the side nodded in agreement with what she said.

"Yea that's true but I'd rather them find me on the main in a crowd than alone in the bushes"

Azreal knew his argument wasn't full proof so before Nala was ready to counterattack he walked off.

"Let's go, take us to the nearest place you can get some directions"

By now they'd already left the wolf territory, about two hours had passed since they found out Xavious didn't know where he was going and Azreal was getting confused he couldn't tell most of the things he saw apart, it all looked like a green blur and it was making his head hurt.

Aside from after a while seeing a few other warbeast traveling through the forest, Azreal didn't see much else just trees that almost all look the same way, not even any animals, did all warbeast have humanoid forms?

"Do all warbeast look like you? Don't animal exist here?"

Xavious gave him a weird questioning look when he asked, Azreal, on the other hand, shot him back the same look.

"They do but they're rare down here and they aren't called 'animal' they're called inferior beast" Nala was the one who answered.

"Why rare?"

"Because most warbeast down here either hate them because they are seen as weak and so enslaved and kill them or they just use them as food, so you won't find any down here"

The idea didn't seem odd to Azreal since humans did the same thing in a sense but he didn't voice this aloud since Nala looked like she was repulsed by the idea of Warbeast eating inferior beast.

"How long until we get there?" In an effort to change the topic he asked Xavious.

"We're already there"

Looking ahead, the trees were starting to part, he could faintly see a road, it looked like a brick road but they were just rocks in the shape of bricks.

Beyond that Azreal saw a vast plain, with a town a little bit further away on a tiny hill, the stone road was the only official entrance and exit but you could just walk in from anywhere, the town itself looked like a relaxed rest stop.