Ouranos And Azazel (1)

Since they would be challenged when they got into the city, no one thought it was strange to have a meetup point since it might take a while in the city.

Sitting down Azreal took out both scythes and pulled out the book and flipped it to the [Eternal Damnation] page.

Picking up the scythe that already had the Emperor technique carved into it already, Azreal put it to the side and picked up the double.

Looking at them side by side he couldn't help wondering why use only one, why not use both of them?

One would be used only the Emperor Technique, while the other would be used for the [Eternal Damnation], wielding two scythes instead of one.

Although the double was slightly weaker than the final product, so long as it didn't break apart like the weapon the two pigs gave him it would be fine.

Having decided that he held up his right index finger Azreal poured energy into it, maintaining the flow for a few seconds before doing anything.

"Don't use the [King's Runes]"

Hearing that he immediately paused, causing the flow of energy to be disrupted.

"Why? I thought using the [King's Runes] would increase the strength of the spell"

"Use it as is"


After waiting for a while no answer came so he gave up on using the [King's Runes] to write it, deciding to go with what's in the book.

Recreating the flow of energy in his finger he started inscribing, the process didn't take more than forty minutes just like last time it didn't take a lot of energy but unlike last time it didn't leave him feeling mentally drained.

Opening his hand he used one of his nail —claws— to slit the middle of his palm to allow his blood mixed with Divine Energy to pour out and onto the diagram, absorbing his blood mixed with energy the seventeen overlapping diagrams started spinning in different directions.

Unlike before the diagrams, he drew wasn't jagged so the diagrams didn't forcefully draw out his energy to correct itself.

He didn't have a sheath for the scythe or even knew if such a thing existed so he didn't have any mean to contain the aura it would start to emit once he started.

All that was left now was to complete the third step but seeing as how Nala wasn't through as yet he didn't move towards the city.

Xavious had observed the entire process and felt a chill go down his spine when Azreal cut open his palm and sprinkled blood on the scythe.

Not wanting to get involved he took off his glaive and started practicing with it, now it was Azreal's turn to look over.

The glaive moved like an incredible snake in Xavious' hands, from the beginning he looked amazing but as he continued he only looked to be getting better and better.

This being the first time Azreal saw him like this Azreal was a bit taken aback, the image of the coward he had in his mind cracked a little.

Xavious ended up practicing until it was dark and he was covered in sweat.

With how Xavious was practicing he must be tired plus Azreal wasn't in a rush so they came to a silent agreement to wait until tomorrow to go into the city.

Closing his eyes after tossing both scythes in his space ring Azreal drifted off to sleep.

The sunlight shining in his face woke him up.

Getting up he saw that Xavious was still practicing just not as hard as yesterday.

"Why are you suddenly starting to practice?"

"Not sudden, I got this glaive after you found me and it's been one thing after another and now that we're going through the city it's the best time to start" Xavious didn't stop practicing as he responded to Azreal.

"Mhmm, let's go then"

Once he started walking Azreal took out both scythes and played around with them a little while walking to the city.

Xavious didn't walk too far behind him, his expression was completely serious but it was clear he was a bit nervous.

Azreal, on the other hand, couldn't help feeling a bit excited.

Stand at the city entrance warbeast were going about their business but that was to be expected, if they brawled in the city then there wouldn't be much of a city left.

The moment he stepped through the gate he released his aura without restraint before containing it them releasing it again.

Despite him contain his aura the warbeast that had been walking about earlier all kneeled without exception, the main reason why he chose to contain it was because it seemed like Xavious wanted to fight and if he released his aura it wouldn't happen

This was the method he chose to announce his presence.

All across the city, Azreal's presence was made known, a few figures that had been relaxing or just meditating felt the aura and smiled, releasing theirs as well.

Azreal felt four different auras that were either equal to or stronger than his.

"Didn't expect that there would be this many" Azreal show a wryly smile as he spoke.