Although he showed a wryly smile he was having a hard time containing his excitement.
Within a short amount of time, the four Beast King's arrived.
The first to arrive was a brown monkey with a staff in his hand, sitting on the side of the building he just looked down at Azreal smiling.
The second was a grey mountain goat, it's body filled with muscles, even its horns looked like they worked out, on his back he had a sheathed western styled sword and a bamboo flute in his hands, his long hair bounced as he leaped over the buildings to where the monkey was.
The third was a mammoth, he didn't bring any weapons just but based on his size and his clenched fist he didn't need one, his two huge intimidating tusks had a few tribal drawings.
And the final one to arrive was a rabbit, dressed as a geisha with a mask on, aside from just being a humanoid rabbit compared to the others there was nothing special about her.
"Hmm, so you're the one who wants to challenge us? The mammoth spoke as he looked Azreal up and down his voice sounded like a deep rumbling.
"Yup, So how does this work, one on one? A brawl?"
"Normally it's every beast for themselves but it's been so long since anyone came and we've gotten tired of each other—if you got here two days later we wouldn't have been here— so we'll make it one on one, if you defeat you move on to the next, we'll go in order of—"
"Size! the largest up first!" The mammoth interrupted the sinister-sounding goat with what he wanted.
The goat didn't argue only smiling a bit in agreement, none of the other's showed any objections so the mammoth stepped forward, the ground shook slightly as he came closer.
"Berg" The mammoth introduced himself.
Turning around Berg and the others walked away, Berg's walking speed wasn't fast but he took large strides to make up for it
As they went deeper into the city Azreal could hear the sounds of fighting getting louder and louder, within a few turns the buildings started looking more and more destroyed, all over the place warbeast were fighting, Berg didn't stop for anything, the warbeast that were fighting quickly moved out of his way without missing a beat, those who didn't were turned into mush with just a swing of his fist.
When Azreal saw this he was secretly surprised, what kind of strength did he has to turn those beasts into mush with one hit.
After a few more steps Berg and the others stopped, looking around Azreal didn't see anything special about where they were, the only thing they did was move further from the entrance.
'Are they just trying to protect the front of the city?'
When they stopped the warbeast that were fighting stopped and back away to make room, all finding different places to watch the fight that was about to start.
Azreal didn't put a lot of importance on this fight, although the mammoth was strong he wasn't fast.
Azreal didn't wait for some signal to begin, dashing towards Berg, within seconds he was right in front of him, jumping up while gripping tight onto the scythe with Eternal Damnation Azreal swung out and just as the scythe was about to rip open berg's chest, berg stepped back slightly and raised his tusk to block the scythe.
Azreal didn't back down pouring some energy into the scythe with the Emperor technique he opened a portal right behind Berg and shove the scythe through it.
As Berg backed away he looked at Azreal only to see that one of the scythes were missing the only thing he saw was the base that Azreal was holding onto and the space around the base looked slightly distorted.
Sensing something amiss he turned his head slightly only to see the scythe coming down for him like an ax, it was too late to defend since the scythe was only millimeters from plunging into him, without any other choice he shifted out of the way, his speed now was incomparable to before but still the scythe managed to create a deep gash on his arm.
When the other beast kings saw this they looked on with a lot more interest, most of the interest was directed towards the scythe while curiosity was directed at Azreal.
Where did he get that weapon? Was the question that crossed their minds.
Azreal on the hand paid them no mind the thing that caught his attention was how fast berg moved a while ago.
'Was he pretending to throw me off?'
Shaking off the thought Azreal once again poured energy into the scythe picking the path that brought it directly in front of Berg's face, this time he expected it so it was a lot easier to dodge.
Just as he backed off from the scythe and was ready to counter-attack the scythe started flying towards him.
The moment Azreal shoved the scythe through the small portal, he ran straight towards Berg with his fastest speed and just as Berg's tusk made contact with the scythe to push it away Azreal appeared in front of him Berg wasn't the least bit surprised by this and before Azreal could swing the scythe Berg's fist slammed into him.
Although it hurt Azreal didn't allow the fist to knock him away, grabbing onto Berg's fist he didn't let go even when he came to a halt, he raised the scythe, with him gripping onto Berg's fist like this Berg's neck was completely exposed.
With a big smile, Azreal was about to decapitate Berg when he was sent flying by a staff to the face.
Azreal was sent flying backward and was only stopped by a building, getting up off the ground Azreal touched the wound on his face, he could feel any of his scales only flesh, around the edges the scales were shattered.
"What the fuck!" Azreal shouted to the goat as he spat out the blood that was in his mouth and walked towards the scythe he threw after Berg.
The goat, on the other hand, looked at the monkey in surprise before looking at Azreal and smiling wryly.
"Ouranos, what are you doing?" The goat asked but got no response.
"What do you think you're doing you little monkey?" Berg who had just been rescued asked in anger.
"Shut up do you want to die or to win? You should be grateful that I saved your life now get up and fight" Ouranos snapped back at Berg, while still smiling at Azreal.
Getting up Berg stood beside Ouranos ready to fight Azreal.
Azreal didn't get angry he only showed a vicious smile, as they spoke he walked around in a circle at times stopping to make some little scratches in the ground.
"Domain" as he said that he stepped on top of one of the scratches he made.
None of them saw any physical changes but Berg and Ouranos felt like they were under a dome while the goat and the rabbit only sensed something change.
Gripping onto both scythe tightly Azreal spoke while staring at Berg and Ouranos.
"I'm going to kill you all of you"