Heritage (2)

"The Young really have no respect for the old" the old serval cat spoke while he brushed off his clothes, his voice still had the same amicable tone and his face still carried the same gently smile in spite of the slight bruise on his cheek.

"What the fuck old man?!" Azreal raged while gently touching the wound to get an idea of how bad it was.

"The sovereign of Pride Rock [1] has decided that the heartless massacre you carried out in the barbaric city cannot go unpunished, so I, the blind Emperor Syr have been sent to bring forth my lord wrath" Syr spoke in the same amicable voice of an elder.

Gritting his teeth Azreal stared at Syr viciously.

"What happened to survival of the fittest?" Azreal asked in a condescending tone.

"Heehee, only the strong can behave righteous" Syr flashed his mostly teeth-less gums "so you don't not deny it?"

Azreal didn't even bother to answer just summoning Ouranos and Azazel.

Hearing the blades cut through the air Syr nodded still smiling.


Walking forward Syr knocked his stick on the ground to 'see' if there was anything in front of him.

Azreal, on the other hand, didn't care much for his disability, rushing forward he jumped up in the air, holding onto both scythes he spun in the air, the moment he came in close Syr ears started twitching.

Raising his walking stick Syr blocked both scythes, easily pushing Azreal back.

"Don't mistake my lack of vision for a weakness my lack of vision has opened my eyes to a far greater world, and given me new eyes" When Syr spoke he pointed at his big ears.

Just based on his title the Blind Emperor, and how easily he blocked Azreal, he was obviously an emperor beast, his being blind was the only thing that gave Azreal any confidence in winning but it looked like that was gone.

As he broke out of his thoughts Azreal could see the brown walking stick headed straight for his face and he couldn't even react.


Before his body could move the stick came from the other side, then from above, below, repeating itself a few times, even when he knew it was coming he didn't have a chance to react.






"Hehehe come on now, get up"

The fight had only just started but Azreal was laying flat on the ground with his face bloody, all the scales on his face had shattered.

Getting up off the ground Azreal spat out the blood that was in his mouth, revealing a bunch of cracked bloody teeth, using his sleeve Azreal wiped the blood off his face.

"Oh, old man I'm gonna kill you—"

"Heeheehee, it looks like you don't understand the situation you're in, you're alive right because it's been so long since I left the city and I want to enjoy myself" as Syr spoke he tapped the walking stick on the ground at regular intervals.

Gripping right onto Azazel Azreal summoned the seven beast kings, if the eight of them couldn't kill one blind old man emperor or no emperor then he deserves to die.

Unfortunately, Azreal was severely underestimating the strength of an emperor beast.

Sensing the seven new aura's Syr was quite surprised especially since his 'eye' didn't reveal anything.

"You have friends—no servants? Arriving without even making a sound and this deathly aura.....heeheehee good good"

Leading the charge Azazel rushed forward with a graceful flying kick but Syr easily sidestepped her and used the walking stick to smack her to the side, right as she was smack aside berg came down from the sky both fists clenched ready to smash Syr, at the same time Ouranos was swinging his staff from the left to smash Syr's ribs while brother three was attacking from the left and brother two and one from the front and back respectively.

Syr's ears constantly twitched, still with his simple smile he raised his walking stick smacking aside all four warbeast without even moving.

"Numbers don't mean much my dear child"

Saying that he rushed forward toward the goat that stood protecting Azreal, without even getting a chance to respond to the incoming figure his body was sent into the ground.

Standing in front of him Syr laughed and scratched the back of his head like a child that just did something impressive.

Gripping onto bother scythe's Azreal activated [Purple Inferno] coving his entire body in a layer of fire, at the same time he silently commanded four of the beast kings to draw the four symbols for the [Domain]

"Hmm? What is this?" Feeling his strength slowly being siphoned Syr looked about but couldn't find the cause, either way, it would take hours for this thing to take enough of his strength to put him in danger, so didn't pay it much mind.

Sniffing a few times Syr furrowed his brows for a moment.

"Fire?, I thought you were a lizard? Fire and servants hmmm" as Syr thought he played with his beard, using his nails to unknot it.

Walking forward Syr pushed his walking stick in the fire, taking advantage of the moment Azreal swings out with Ouranos but Syr to a step to the side and ducked right after to avoid Azazel who was coming for his head.

Pulling back his walking stick with the fire on it Syr pushed his finger in the fire which the fire quickly spread towards.

"A fire that feeds on life force and energy....heeheehee, your quiet special" without much effort Syr released a bit of his aura and sniffed out the fire.