Azreal was stunned to see how easily the fire went out.
"So easily overwhelmed??"
By now the Beast Kings had gotten back up and started closing in on the old man, once again tightening his grip on the scythes Azreal rushed in with them, all of them were very careful to avoid the flames on his body.
Even though Syr could overwhelm the fire Azreal refused to believe it did no damage, especially when combined with the domain.
Still even with all of them rushing over and attacking Syr still managed to defend against all of them with relative ease.
Throughout every round of attack, Azreal was just trying to get his walking stick from him, since it was his only weapon and that's what he used to create the vibrations.
Jumping back Azreal summoned all of the souls that were seal by Azazel, hundreds upon hundreds of savage beasts appeared.
Syr found a bit hard to believe and breath with all the deathly aura in the air but still it wasn't something that would hinder him.
"Heeheehee you just have an endless amount of tricks that don't even add up to one good one"
Azreal didn't reply only using Ouranos to cut through space causing the blade of the scythe to appear right next to his neck, just as it was about to make contact Syr raised his walking stick with a serious expression to stop it, still the tip of the blade was pressing into his neck.
The smile on Syr's face was nowhere to be found.
All the savage beast started rushing in every direction doing everything expects attacking Syr, while the seven beast kings walked on top of them.
With all the different sounds Syr's facial expression only became more serious.
Pulling back and attacking with Ouranos, Azreal repeated the same trick several times but Syr still had a hard time stopping it because the scythe always came from somewhere different.
Jumping off the top the savage beast head Berg was ready to attack with his mighty fist clenched and just as he got in close Syr turned in his direction but he didn't get the chance to attack Berg since Azreal had sent the scythe sailing towards him.
Just as he was jumping back to avoid it Azazel ran up behind him, Syr spun around with his arm in a 'L' shape about to use his elbow to knock her away but just as he was about to Ouranos ripped through space and was coming down to on his head, abandoning the idea of attacking Azazel he raised his walking stick to block the scythe but just as he could feel the tip of the scythe make contact with the stick it disappeared and he felt the slight pain from Azazel stomping in the back of his knee forcing him to fall to one knee.
Swinging around the walking stick Syr wanted to knock Azazel away since she was the closest to him but she took the hit head-on and grabbed onto the stick and used her full strength to fist Syr in the back of his elbow.
Still, Syr didn't let go just in time Ouranos come over also and grabbed onto the stick while Azazel kept beating the back of Syr's elbow, all while the other beast kings were closing in.
While this was happening once again Ouranos—the scythe— came bearing down on Syr's hand, he was going to either lose an arm or the walking stick today, just as Azreal thought he was about to let go Syr reached over with his free hand and gripped the blade, no matter how hard Azreal pulled he couldn't make the blade budge.
Once again Azazel —the scythe— cane cutting through the air—brother three had brought it back earlier— if Syr didn't let go and step away Azazel would end up right in his forehead.
Syr's voice had completely lost its friendly old man tone as he released his aura knocking everything away from him and forcing them to kneel.
Even Azreal was having a hard time resisting he had to use the energy in his body to resist the pressure, it felt like he was carrying a ton of weights up a hill in the midday sun.
Even with the help of the energy in his body, all the scales on his body were rattling like crazy even the fire was forcefully quenched.
"That was very smart using them to make lots of noise and disrupt the national airflow making it harder for me to hear what happening, even forcing me to release my strength as a beast king you can die feeling proud heeheehee" the amicable tone in his voice had once again returned as he walked over to Azreal.
Azreal, on the other hand, had his teeth and fists clenched, bearing the pressure and walking around Syr he walked over and picked up both his scythes recalling all the spirits into Azazel since they would no longer be useful.
"Oh?" Syr was quite surprised when all the aura's disappeared from around him, leaving only Azreal who he had allowed to pick up both of his scythes.
With everything that happened it was obvious to Azreal that he was going to die here, still, he wasn't gonna sit and wait for it.
Syr smile grew even bigger when he saw Azreal rushing towards him, most would just sit and wait for death after seeing that they had no chance of winning whatsoever.
No matter how hard he struck or what ingenious strategy he employed all of it was useless in front of Syr, for every attack he tried he would get hit out of the walking stick at least six or seven times, the scales over majority of his body were completely shattered, not one area of his body wasn't covered in blood, he was having a hard time just standing up but his grip on Ouranos and Azazel never loosened.
The splendid smile on Syr's face never faded but at this point although impressed he'd gotten bored.
"Heeheehee, I wish we could've done this more but this is where we part ways, it was very nice meeting you young man"
Holding his walking stick with both hands and twisting in two different ones the walking stick opened revealing a beautiful silver blade inside.
As Syr walked behind Azreal, he tried to raise his scythe but was easily pushed aside.
"At some point fighting a losing battle becomes more pathetic than heroic"
Stepping in the back of Azreal's knee like Azazel had done earlier, Azreal was forced on his knees, placing the tip of the blade on Azreal's back Syr slowly started pushing it in, although the scales were shattered they still provide some resistance.
Azreal only let out a few grunts—using the scythes for support because he refused to fall—as the blade dug closer to his heart.
"Who's there?" Pausing Syr looked up he could sense someone approaching him.
"Oh? What's this the old bullying the young?"
Hearing the voice and seeing the two figures Syr didn't hesitate to put a distance of a few meters them, unlike Azreal if someone approached without his sensing it, several red flags would go off in his mind.