
"Where are my scythes?"

Waking up later in the night Azreal stood up and started looking around the tent, but he couldn't find them.

The tent itself was about the size of two bedroom shack, not finding it inside the tent he searched his space ring but didn't find it there.

Taking a deep breath, he sat back down and stared into the top of the tent, those two dragons probably had it, hopefully, they didn't make the same stupid mistake like Kakar and destroy Azazel.

Pushing that aside for now, since there was nothing he could do at the moment he instead reflected on the beating he'd just gotten.

Surprisingly he wasn't angry all he could do was laugh since he was still alive, he'd gotten beaten up by a blind man, and no matter what he tried he was still beaten.

His desire for power had never faded it burned just as strong as before but funny was just funny.

Slapping his thighs while getting up Azreal smiled while taking the bandages off himself.

After taking off all the bandages he was only wearing a long shendyt [1] while his upper body was left exposed.

Not paying much attention to it, he pushed the flaps of the tent aside, stepping out of the tent the first thing he noticed was that the air was really dry, the ground was basically sand, the wooden stalls he'd gotten a glimpse of earlier were now completely empty like the vendors had retired for the evening.

Looking around he wasn't inside a city, instead, he was in an area filled with tents just like the one he just came out of.

None of the warbeast in the area seemed to notice him they were all sitting in circles around different fires, laughing and talking with each out.

Azreal was just about to walk around when he felt someone slightly pull him back, turning around he saw the two who'd saved him.

"Looks like you're all better,"

Azreal just nodded in response before asking the most important question he had.

"I didn't see my scythes when I woke up, where are they?"

Before they answered they gestured for him to come back in the tent.

"My name is Eru and this little one is Nawai"


Eru nodded when he heard his name, he didn't ask much else since it was pretty obvious that he wanted to know about his scythes.

"I left them where we found you, they projected an unholy aura so I refused to carry them" Eru answered straightforwardly maintaining eye contact as he spoke.

Azreal didn't ask any follow-up or show any reaction but instead asked another question.

"What about Xavious? Where is he?"

When Eru and Nawai heard the name they looked at each other confused.

"Was that the old warbeast you were fighting?" Nawai asked.

"No, he's someone I was traveling with"

"Oh well, we didn't see any other warbeast..."

When Azreal heard that he released a sigh of relief, if they didn't find Xavious that means he was still there and hopefully, he would've picked up his scythe.

And since Xavious knew he wanted to go to the capital he would go there.

For all of this, he was counting on how desperately he wanted the bones since they obviously had to meet some special condition for them to be used, if they didn't have to he would've just taken one of the bodies that belonged to Azazel or one of the other beast kings.

And If things didn't go his way and he needed to get a new weapon he would just make it out of the bones, although he would miss Azazel —the soul— she was the only that showed she was special.

Then again she was the only one that got a hold of a core and he had no interest in experimenting with the others even if he were given the chance.

"How far are we from the capital?"

"Hmm, I would say around two to three months journey from here" Nawai sounded like he was thinking as he spoke.

"Three months?! How's that possible I was probably a little over a week away before you guys kidnapped me!" Azreal was a bit angry, if it would take him three months to get back to the capital then he only had a month with the wolf king and that's only if he found him the moment he entered the city.

"You want to go to the capital?" Eru asked.

"Yes! I need to find someone"

"Oh I see we'll be heading back home in a month so you can find who you want then"

"No! I can't stay here for another month then waste three months heading back!"

It was now that a look of realization dawned on the uncle and nephew duo.

"We leave in a month but it won't take us a week to get back to the capital" Nawai spoke and gave Azreal a strange look.