Peeking out from behind the trees a safe distance away Xavious could see Azreal fight, well more like getting pummeled.
And that was enough for him not to go over, he also saw when the two figure in cloaks arrived and saved him and then brought him away.
Xavious was about to follow them but then it dawned on him, why did he have to run after them? If Azreal was gone wasn't he a free warbeast?
It's sad that he wasn't able to get the bones though, but didn't the two figures just leave his scythes behind, he could easily find some odd warbeasts who were willing to buy it and that old man is sure to have some valuables on him too.
Coming down from the tree with a huge smile on his face Xavious took large proud strides over to the 'battlefield'
First going over to the old man's body and searching through it thoroughly, unfortunately, he didn't find as much as he thought he would, but that wasn't enough to put him.
Taking the clothes of Syr's body he wrapped up both scythes and the walking stick in it and went on his merry way
It didn't take him three days to sell off all of the old man's stuff and now he had quite a bit of wealth now, all he needed to do was sell the scythes but he was having a harder time than he expected, everyone would immediately leave after getting too close to Azazel, he had expected some to run off but not all.
That wasn't all either, his chest had started giving him a bit of pain all of a sudden, not unbearable pains just annoying.
Sighing as he watched his latest prospective customer runoff, he wrapped back up the scythes and decided to go for a walk then leave this little town after, try to find some new possible buys.
Standing outside the gates of the town Xavious smiled, he felt at peace, walking along his preplanned route, he felt the annoying pain in his chest turn into a stabbing one.
Feeling the unbearable pain Xavious' face turned grim while holding onto his chest, it didn't take him a second to come to a horrible conclusion.
Xavious didn't give it a second thought, running over to the closest water source Xavious ripped off his clothes to look at the 'curse' mark on his chest.
It was glowing a little bit, dipping his hand in the water and throwing some of it on the mark in the hopes that it would do something. It did nothing.
Putting his clothes back on Xavious picked back up the scythes, gritting his teeth he tried to ignore the pain but it never stopped and only got worse.
Stopping Xavious decided to head back to the little town, to his surprise the pain from his chest lessened, from unbearable going back to annoying.
Was there something in those trinkets sold in the town that could combat this demonic mark on his chest?
A small fire of hope lit up inside him as he thought of that, but after another two days, it was completely extinguished.
He'd searched every inch of the city but couldn't find anything and now his chest had started killing him again.
What the fuck was this?
Why doesn't it stop?
Pacing around his room a thousand and one thoughts crossed his mind.
Was it because he chose his freedom and now Azreal was trying to kill him? No, he should still be unconscious by now.
Was it because he couldn't be too far from Azreal? That option seemed more plausible but where the fuck was he supposed to find him now? And finally, did he really want to go back or die?
Taking a deep breath as he walked around something surprised him, depending on where in the room he was it would either hurt more or less but only slightly.
'A compass?'
Life wouldn't be that unfair right?
As the day went on It was pretty much confirmed that he had a compass in his chest, his chest would start hurting, even more, depending on the direction.
Xavious tired his best to bear it but had no choice but to give up only after a few hours, even when he wasn't moving the pain naturally just got worst, he assumed this meant Azreal was going further away from him.
Without even realizing it he found himself thinking about the positives of traveling with Azreal and even though there weren't many it didn't feel that way to him.
Strengthening his resolve Xavious decided to wait one more day hoping deep down that maybe this would pass, but it didn't when he woke up in the evening after a nap the pain felt beyond unbearable!
He wanted to rip his own chest one to stop the pain, it was even getting hard just walking, seeing no other option he called for someone and got them to hire two strong warbeast to carry him.