Dragon’s Pride

"Then how?"

"Rune Tables"

"What's that?"

Earlier Nawai had spoken like he was talking about the simplest of things and when Azreal asked what a Rune Table was he didn't hide his surprise.

Turning to his uncle who was laying down, for some idea of how to respond.

"You'll see soon"

Azreal looked at both of them for a moment before just nodding, right after he smiled a little and asked another question.

"Why are you guys so open to some random person you happen to come across?"

When Eru heard that he laughed a little bending his head a little to see Azreal's face.

"That's because we aren't that many, most things that other warbeast would have to worry about we don't, plots and schemes, stuff like that, we have too much pride for it, so even if someone betrayed the family they would never divulge our secrets to other creatures no matter how desperate, so if you don't have to worry about information being leaked you can be more open, although we've just met you, the fact is you are a dragon and that pride is born in you even if you don't know it"

Azreal thought his reasoning was strange but he didn't believe if he were to ask one of their deepest secrets that he would get told right away, would he?

"What're the greatest secret dragons carry?"

When Eru heard the question he instantly started laughing while Nawai gave him a strange look.

"Just because we allow information to flow doesn't mean we'll go around sharing everything" Is what Eru said but really his opinion of Azreal fell a little after he asked such a stupid question.

As they spoke they took off the clocks from around their bodies, their scales were green and sparkled a little like emerald, unlike with Azreal's mixed silver and black scales, theirs was completely green.

"Does the color of your scales represent anything?"

"Yes, Green, Blue, Silver and Black" when Eru said 'black' he slowly accentuated the word when staring at Azreal.

"That's how we are ranked in terms of strength with green being the weakest, as you go up we each have natural advantages, green dragons are loved by nature, we are the hardest to kill, Blue dragons are stronger loved by both the sky and the oceans, silver dragons I'm not sure, since there is only one—our king— warbeasts say silver dragons are the embodiment of wisdom but after meeting you I doubt that's true, now black dragons are hated by all and thought to be cursed and an omen for destruction, but when it comes to raw power it's undeniable that they are loved by the mother, but cursed all the same" when Eru finished speaking he smiled at Azreal.

Azreal, on the other hand, looked at his scales, the silver scales most likely didn't represent wisdom but the black scales based on everything he's been through since birth it had to be true.

Was all of this really true was he really a dragon, did Maseru know about all of this? it felt like things were moving too fast for him to keep up at times, as Azreal continued to think more and more questions started popping up in his head causing him to lose what he was even thinking about in the first place.

Shaking his head Azreal released a deep breath.

"What do you mean by cursed? And I thought all warbeast were the same and the only difference being the amount of strength you possess"

"No, every being has natural advantages, even among the same race, some have gifts others don't and just the same we all have a natural enemy or weakness, so all things are always balanced—kept on the same level in a sense, even beasts that are of the same race and have the same level of strength but one can completely dominate the other, for example, you have two lizards—one red one blue, the colors are simply for the purpose of identification—, they are of the same race and same family line so there is no difference between them, they are both Level 1 beast kings but the red one is able to crush the blue one with ease, why?" Nawai spoke like he was giving a speech, ignoring his question about the curse, Nawai didn't give Azreal much of a chance to answer the question before he answered himself.

"The answer is their lineage, let's say both lizards had the same great grandfather and the great grandfather was an emperor beast or higher, that would mean that his descendants would have an easier time reaching his rank because that potential is in his DNA, that's only if they are born after he achieves that rank, because of that potential they are both naturally stronger than those around them, but the red lizards father was the only one that was able to reach the rank of their great grandfather, that refreshed and purified the bloodline in the red lizard" Nawai stopped and took a deep breath.

"So their potential makes them strong?" Azreal asked thinking Nawai was finished, getting lost in the rant he forgot about the cursed issue.

"I'm not finished, but to answer your question yes and no, the potential plays a big role but it's what it leads to that makes them strong, all warbeast are born into a ranking system most warbeast were born as low-low level beast in that ranking system, but a particular lineage can produce one or more emperor beast or above with only one generation separating them, their descendants will take steps towards becoming a mid-low level beast so long as they keep building on and cleansing the bloodline, so as you rise in the ranking your naturally able to defeating those lower than you in the ranking even if they're slightly stronger, so the red lizard would be higher than the blue lizard since as you climb the ranking natural weakness diminish and advantages become more obvious"