Dragon’s Pride 2

"And everyone falls on this ranking?"

"Everyone" Eru responded for Nawai.

Hearing that Azreal could only sigh didn't this mean that the list he'd been cultivating to identify each warbeast strength was useless now.


Life really is unfair.

There had to be some way to identify where each warbeast fell into this system right?

On the flip side, it didn't look like this was common knowledge since Ahadi didn't seem to know about it, so maybe most warbeast would fall on the lower end since they wouldn't knowingly be aiming to raise their ranking?

He knew the idea wasn't great but it comforted him, how could a race that solely focuses on strength not rise on the ranking, whether they knew about it or not, so there must be some other criteria other than generational strength.

"So what's the complete ranking, how do I know who's where on it and there must be some other criteria other than strength right?" If he could identify who's where on the list it would make his life a lot easier.

"Low-Low level, Mid-Low level, High-Low level after that you step into a whole new world, it's continues as Low-High level, Mid-High level, and Peak, as for how to identify who's where or the other criteria's I have no idea" after saying he didn't know Nawai looked to his uncle for the answer.

"I honestly don't know either"

"So you know the system....but you don't know how it really works?" Azreal asked with his brows furrowed.

Hearing that Eru laughed an awkward laugh.

"When you say it like that it makes us sound foolish, it's like that saying 'what do I need feet for when I have wings?', we don't need to learn to walk if we're born with the ability to fly, we are warbeast that are born at the peak we don't have a reason to learn what's below since it can't and won't affect us, but just like I said everything has to be even, so because we're all born at the peak without the work we've lost some of the abilities that comes with being at the peak or maybe it's our breeding habits, I never thought about it until now, this is just my perspective you'll have others that will disagree"


Azreal was able to learn a bit more but the conversation didn't go much further that day since after a while Eru seemed to give Nawai a signal of sorts and his answers got less and less detailed until they went back outside, before they did though, Nawai gave him some clothes and told him to wear it if he was going out.

When he gave him the clothes he explained that most warbeast don't know what look like, —those who saw him before probably mistook him for a mutated lizard—and that's how it had to stay, as for the reason he didn't explain.

Sitting around in the tent it didn't take long for him to get bored being in there by himself.

Walking around a little, he found out that they were traveling with some kind of caravan—which had stopped for the time being—, when he asked where they were headed he would get several different answers from each person he asked—either way him knowing where they were headed wasn't of much help since he didn't really know this place—so he came to the assumption that the caravan didn't have much of a destination it was going everywhere.

He explored the caravan a little going to some makeshift bars to listen in on conversations for a little bit but didn't get any new information or anything that was worthwhile, his lack of knowledge was really starting to annoy him.

Having not found out anything interesting Azreal went back to the tent and just sat down releasing a deep breath.

Just as he'd started to relax the flaps of the tent shifted and a head came in, to be more accurate the first thing Azreal saw was one huge horn followed by the head.

When the rhino pushed its head inside it looked around without any reservations, seeing the tent was basically empty he then focused his attention on Azreal, nodding a bit as greeting.

In a completely nonchalant voice, he spoke, his voice deep like a beating drum.

"Where's Eru?"

Azreal didn't really hold back in answering, just based on the familiarity he walked in with and how he wasn't surprised by Azreal presence he must have some relation with Eru and Nawai.

"They went out earlier"

Even if he was only faking it, Azreal answer wasn't of much in locating them.

The rhino pause for a moment to think before nodding.

"I'm going to go look around for them, if they come back before I find them, tell them we're almost there and it's time for us to go"

Once he said that he closed the tent flap and walked away without giving Azreal a chance to ask anything.


Go where?

For a while, Azreal just sat there not sure what to say or do.

Four months!

That's all he had.

Eru and Nawai had said they'd be in the Capital in a months time, so the best thing to do while traveling with them was to find the things he needed while gathering the knowledge he lacked.

While traveling with Eru and Nawai maybe they could help him find a blacksmith, listening to the subtly arrogance they both spoke with earlier, he doubted that they cared about any warbeast that weren't dragons.

So maybe they wouldn't care much about the dead either.....?

Think along those lines Azreal felt his reasoning was solid, now all that remains is how to bring it up.