Pre : Dante’s Story

Earlier It didn't take long for the Rhino to find Nawai and Eru, when they came back after grabbing the things in the tent, they all left.

After a fairly uneventful two day journey through the mountains, they came to stone bridge connecting two mountain, on one side of the mountain -the side they were on— there was a huge statue of a nude man with two giant horns growing out of his head, over time his facial features seem to have faded away or maybe someone destroyed it.

"Who's this?"

Azreal pointed at the status while looking at his three companions for an answer but the only response he got was Eru shrugging his shoulder as if saying he didn't know.

On the other side of the path, the exact same statue was there with the same faded face, the body was just slightly different. The rock bridge led into the mountain on the other side, as they went forward on the path, it got wider and wider while the mountains around them seemed to grow taller, it was like they were going down into a valley but Azreal still felt like they were walking straight, no one said anything so neither did he.

Soon enough they came up to a huge gate that blocked the path, so tall that they couldn't see over it, and just looking at it it was clear that there would be no destroying it.

On the surface of the gate was a carving of a colossal dragon his face could be considered the embodiment of arrogance and pride.

Beneath the carving were a few words

'We are fire made flesh'

Although it was just a carving Azreal felt as if he could hear the colossal dragon speaking it, it made his head dizzy, like there was a huge pressure being weighed down on him.

Looking across Eru saw Azreal looking a bit dazed, smiling he used his hand to nudge him a bit.

"Don't stare too deeply, this carving was a gift from Amir, it contains a bit of his might"

When Eru spoke the name he said it with a reverent tone.

"Amir is the...king?"

Azreal originally wanted to say God but thinking about where he was, with all these god-like beings it's unlikely that they would worship a god and if they did it would probably be 'The Mother'.

"Amir, the king off all dragons" Nawai answered but started speaking again before Azreal could respond "A long time ago our king was asked why dragons don't use lighting and that's what he said, 'we are fire made flesh' but that's not the whole story, the other guardians thought he was just being arrogant for not allowing dragons to learn to use lightning but he only laughed and said, 'We are confident and prideful, never arrogant and boastful', the first part of the quote only depicts our stubbornness but I think the second part is more important because it describes our nature"

While Azreal was a bit lost in thought Eru stepped forward, holding the Rhino by his hand and walking straight through the gate.

As they stepped through the gate ripped a bit almost like it was an illusory screen, shortly after Eru and the rhino stepped through Nawai smiled at Azreal.

"Let's go" then he walked through.

Staring at the apparently fake gate Azreal walked up to it and lightly tapped it but it felt solid, but as he pressed down on it he felt his hand fading right through it, he felt a bit of resistance but just pushing forward a little bit and he went through.

On the other side when Eru saw Azreal come through the gate a huge smile blossomed on his face.

"Welcome home," he said as he smiled at Azreal.

Turning around Azreal saw a huge city in the middle of a valley, it looked like something that was ripped out of a storybook about elves and fairies.

The buildings were beautiful all made out of strange materials, some of the bent at strange angles while others stood straight, all of them were built to go with the flow of the forest instead of destroying it.

The mountains on this side of the gate were covered in green, huge waterfalls flowed from them down into rivers that ran through the city causing several rainbows to decorate the sky.

Walking over to Azreal Eru hugged him tightly which slightly surprised Azreal.

"If we didn't have the same blood you would've never passed through the gate, you are a dragon" patting the side of Azreal's head he smiled and started walking down the well-paved path into the city.

As they walked down to the city and through it Azreal saw all sorts of warbeast talking and laughing, stand on a stone bridge in the city he could see a training field with all sorts of warbeast fighting even dragons were there all of them were bloodied.

Looking to his left and right it was like heaven and hell, left, a bunch of people trying to kill each other, right, old warbeast selling fruits to a pregnant deer.

The contrasting scenery really was something.

"The city is called Bakra, very few people nowadays know of its existence, come we have to meet up with someone"

Saying that Eru and the other continued walking until they got to a pretty huge compound in the middle of the city, there were no guards outside they just walked right in, Eru navigated the halls with great familiarity until he came to the main hall.

In the main hall were a few warbeast, both male and female laughing, and drinking.

At the head of the group was clearly a warbeast that looked like a lion, his messy mane covering most of his face, but it didn't do anything to hide his fierce aura.

When he looked up and saw Eru and the other walking in he started laughing merrily.

"My brothers! You've returned, how was the capital?" Just as he finished speaking he caught a glimpse of Azreal "and who is this?"

"A stray we saved on the way" Eru answered with a big smile.

"Good, Good, we all of the same blood welcome to Bakra!"

By the time the lion had already hugged Eru, Nawai and the Rhino, now he had his arms opened wide embracing Azreal.

"You must've had a long journey, I'll have a room prepared for so you can rest and tonight we feast! Hahaha"

His enthusiasm was a bit infectious and before Azreal knew it he had on a big smile on his face.

"If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer to be sent to your library?"

Hearing the question the lion looked over to Eru who nodded.

"He wasn't raised with us, as far as he was concerned he was some kind of mutated lizard"

For the first time, the smile on the lions face diminished.

"That is truly sad to hear, go, go read, learn of your history and enlighten yourself, my library is quite large so you will have a lot to read hahahaha"

Clapping his hands together a servant came and led Azreal out of the hall, once he was out Azreal took a deep breath.


They were all fucking monsters!

Especially the lion he was a beast, even though he restrained his aura earlier the pressure he gave off was intense, every time one of the warbeast the lion was drinking with looked him over he felt like a ferocious Beast was looking at its prey, being outside the room Azreal felt like he was floating.

Taking a deep breath Azreal looked up on the wall, there was a portrait of a handsome black haired man and a beautiful horned humanoid dragon laughing.

On the bottom of the painting on a little plaque. 'Dante and Estë'