Love, Madness & Betrayal

"Who are they?"

Based on where the photo was placed they seemed to be pretty important so he became curious.

The man, Dante, was dressed in red and black robes, with a red coiling dragon running around it, although he could be considered quite handsome the first thing you'd notice from the painting were his eyes, they contained boundless love for the woman beside him and just as much madness.

The woman, Estë, had on a silver low cut dress, in humanoid form Estë had eight horns, two in the center of her forehead, a small one on both sides of her face right above her ears, a slightly larger pair above that and an even larger pair above that.

Her eyes were completely red, resembling magma, because of her eyes she looked completely innocent, her eyes reflected the same love as Dante.

The thing that stood out to Azreal was both their hands on her slightly protruding stomach, it wasn't big, it just looked like a bump.

Stopping, Azreal's guide looked up at the painting and revealed a sad smile.

"This is princess Estë and Lord Dante on their wedding day"

Hearing the response Azreal was a bit surprised but based on the location it made sense, what caught his attention was how sad his guide looked when he responded.

"Princess? King Amir's daughter?, Lord Dante doesn't seem to be a warbeast and why do you look so sad?"

Azreal asked all the questions that came to mind in one breath.

"Yes she was his highness' daughter and Lord Dante wasn't a warbeast he was a god, the three of them are dead now"

After saying that his guide looked away as if he was too sad to look at the painting and continued walking.

His response stumped Azreal a bit, was he talking about Dante Estë and Amir or the baby?

"How did they die?"

Despite Azreal's obvious insensitive towards his pain, the guide didn't get upset since Azreal was his masters guest.

"They both died during Lord Dante's Rebellion"


"We're here" the guide cut Azreal off and pushed the door revealing the huge library "All the information you seek can be found in here"

"Thanks," Azreal said as he walked in staring at the countless books, how was he supposed even find anything?

Just as he turned around wanting to ask the guide for help, his guide was nowhere to be found.

Taking a deep breath, Azreal looked around until he saw a chart with instructions on each shelf, where he could find, fantasy, history, all sorts of different books.

The first place he wanted to look at was the history of the nether realm to gain a better understanding of the realm, then geography, etc.

Just as he was about to follow the directions on the chart to find what he wanted he heard a slamming sound, like a book being dropped onto a table.

Turning towards the sound Azreal saw his guide dropping two books on the table, one was a bit thin probably two hundred pages at best but the other looked more like a combination of half of an encyclopedia set.

"These two books tell of both of Dante's rebellions" pointing at the smaller of the two books he continued "the first we do not have a lot of information on since it didn't happen here, this on however contains the information that we know to be true about what happened while he was here, granted it doesn't contain everything since somethings we aren't privy to"

For a second Azreal had planned to just sit back and ask his guide to read to him, but in the end tossed the idea aside, not because it was the right thing but simply because he'd just gotten here and he didn't want to be disrespectful to the master of the house.


Nodding the guide left the library.

Grabbing the smaller of the two.

"Only with a touch of madness would a person dare to be free"

Right after opening the book, those were the words that greeted him on the first page.

Azreal couldn't help laughing a little when he saw that and remember the look in Dante's eyes.

Flipping the page the first line once again caught his attention.

Dante, The Void True God.