Fight, Fight!

"You know Brinsop, If you wanted them to fight, you could have done it another way"

Brinsop, the blue dragon looked at Bakra and smiled a little and shook his head.

"Aren't you curious? There's only one black dragon that we know and now here comes this young silver and black dragon, we only have one silver dragon and only know of one black dragon"

Bakra nodded his head in agreement while listening to Brinsop.

"We know he's not a silver dragon since our king only had one daughter and she died how many millions of years ago, and as for the black dragon, that old man doesn't seem to care about anything except the battlefield so I doubt he's the father but it would be interesting to find out what kind of creature would agree to sleep with him"

Brinsop tried to suppress his chuckle.

In Bakra mind the picture of a giant muscled monstrosity appeared along with a tiny silver creature.

"Hm, so that means it's either the old man or there's some other black dragon out there, imagine discovering more of out kinda that probably lived a different life and if so what did he/she mate with to make him? Hehe it's kind of sad but to this day we still haven't recovered all the knowledge we lost, so we still don't know everything about this continent we live on and the only one that does know, refuses to leave 'his' castle"

When Brinsop said that Bakra looks ahead and frowned a little.

"You still aren't able to make it through the canal"

Slightly sifting his seating position to get more comfortable to watch the 'show' Brinsop shook his head.

"Still failing.....I tried reaching out to his majesty but he still refuses to meet with anyone"

"If your decisions led to the death of your wife and only child less than four years apart I'm sure you'd find his need for solitude understandable" Bakra spoke with a sigh.

Furrowing his brows, Brinsop shook his head in opposition.

"He's still a King first and all else after. And I do recognize his need for it but how many countless years have passed?"

While Brinsop and Bakra were having their back and forth Azreal's opponent introduced himself.



Earlier Azreal had done the same as Ake, taking off all his clothes leaving only his pants.

His face turned completely serious, despite still not feeling any pressure, but how most of the warbeast here looking at Ake, gave Azreal the impression that maybe he shouldn't get arrogant.

Before they began servants started approaching bringing racks of weapons with them.

Stepping forward Azreal found a simple scythe, just a long bar with a blade attached, sturdy but simple.

Ake, on the other hand, was about to refuse until he saw Azreal approach the weapons without hesitation, black dragons were dragons of war, giving them a weapon was no different from adding fuel to fire.

Swallowing the words he was about to say Ake walked over to the weapon racks, looked at the weapon Azreal picked before choosing his own, a kusarigama.

Stand in the 'ring' a few feet apart.

Playing with the scythe in his hand and took a deep breath to relax himself.


Without warning Azreal rammed his foot in the dirt using it as a footing to push himself forward, completely destroying the ground behind him.

The moment Azreal rammed his foot into the ground, Ake started swinging around the chain attached to the kusarigama, his hand seemed to move at a slow pace but the chain already disappeared.

Azreal who was flying towards Ake suddenly got a premonition, without pause he pulled his head back a little.


Looking in front of him Azreal saw a faint flicker of sliver followed by a slight sting from his neck.

He'd been cut!

If he hadn't pulled back his head, he would've been beheaded in a split second!

Shaking off the thought Azreal smiled a little more without losing a beat stretching out his hand he grabbed at the flicker of silver, clenching his fist around the chain and yanked it towards him.

Ake who was stunned by Azreal reaction was suddenly dragged forward, but practically instantly.


From the air a loud frog like croak echoed.

In the air Ake's chest had swollen to nearly double his body size, he was in the air flying directly towards Azreal.

Throwing his head forward a torrent of flames gushed out of Ake's mouth.

Azreal raised his free hand towards the incoming flame as he watched the fire engulf over everything in front of him.

At the same time, he tightened his grip around the chain and pulled Ake into the fire he was spewing out of his mouth.

The moment he was pulled into the flames he had a feeling of severe danger washed over him and in a matter of mili seconds, he saw the reason.

A smiling Azreal masked in a thin layer of purple flames was darting towards him.

The strange purple flames didn't just stay on Azreal's body it began to devour the fire he'd created!

Is this why black dragons are called dragons of war?!

Instantly the thought flash in Ake's mind, still it didn't mean he'd give up.

Both Azreal and the purple flames were rushing towards him with missing a beat.

Gritting his teeth Ake let go of the chain that was pulling him towards Azreal while the scales on his arms started growing at an extraordinary rate, looking like long feathers.

Crossing his arms Ake forming a scissor of sorts, with the momentum he was rushing towards Azreal with and the speed which Azreal was approaching, it was impossible for Azreal to escape unharmed.

At the very least he'd end up with a huge gash on his arm and that's the best-case scenario.

The purple flames that covered Azreal was sure to cause harm but before it could do any real damage to him Azreal would've already been a situation far worst.

Ake couldn't help but smile as he saw Azreal foolishly continue his charge.

In the instant, Ake's feather-like scales was about to relieve Azreal of his head, the smile on Azreal's face grew brighter because he knew he had won.
