

Bakra and Brinsop watched the match with slight smiles, Brinsop's smile looked like a man proud of his creations, while Bakra just looked like he was just relishing fighting.

When Bakra saw Ake's chest expand a sparkle flickered across his eye, he slightly turned his head to look at Brinsop, who wordlessly nodded in response.

Brinsop belonged to a subfamily of the blue dragon lineage—half breeds— he suspected that mixed with the right race, a half breed could be as strong as a pure breed or even stronger.

"Now I understand, I never imagined you'd pick up your fathers experiments, maybe you should've gone to the science ministry instead of the military"

"Based on the result now I'd say it's wort—"

Even though both Azreal and Ake were engulfed by a fire that did very little to block Bakra and Brinsop's eyesight.

When they saw Azreal covered in the faint layer of purple flames they were stunned beyond words.

The fire burned on his skin and was devouring the fire Ake created? Despite them being able to breathe fire dragons could still be harmed by it, so long as it came from a dragon stronger or even on the same level if they weren't careful.

Even with both their experiences combined, they couldn't understand how it was happening, how did Azreal create the fire from his skin? And how was it devouring fire?

This shouldn't be possible!

They should just keep each other at bay or burn each other out not devour the other.

The thought that Azreal might be stronger never crossed their mind, they've fought weaker opponents before and the fire never behaved anything like this, it simply over the opponent's fire until it extinguished but this was different!

The fire was feeding itself to get stronger!

Are black dragons really cursed?

Once again the giant appeared in their mind and it dawned on them that even though there was another black dragon in the capital they knew almost nothing about him so they couldn't compare Azreal to him.

But this was a little bit exaggerated, right?

Just as the shock was wearing off and they temporarily put the matter aside.


Ake slammed face-first into the ground blowing out the fire and creating a small crater in the ground.

As he tried to get up he could still feel the pain from the back of his neck, it was numbing.

Raising himself up on his hands and knees he looked to his left as he heard footsteps approaching.

From his slightly blurry vision, Ake saw Azreal stooping down in front of him.

Grabbing his hair and raising him up so he could look into his face.

Ake was completely stunned the smile on Azreal's face and the look in his eyes made Ake feel like he was suppressing the will to completely rip him apart.

"Are you done?"

It wasn't a question it was a challenge, he was daring him to move.

Looking at Ake in front of him Azreal understood why he didn't feel any pressure, there was no challenge.

"Well I never expected you to be this strong, this is beyond my imagination, I guess this means you've won"

Without a moment of hesitation Azreal released Ake and took a few steps back, the pressure that came with voice was irresistible, it wasn't a suffocation type of pressure but instead one that called for complete obedience.

Standing beside Ake, Brinsop brought over two of his servants to check on Ake's condition.

While he and Bakra were watching the match he saw the look in Azreal's eyes along with what knowledge he had regarding black dragons he didn't hesitate to interrupt.

With a pat of Azreal's should he felt as if he'd regained his control.

"That was quite a fight"

Bakra who was standing beside him spoke.

The onlookers had already begun having their own discussion.

"Haha that's true, that was beyond my expectations" Brinsop who had just checked on Ake's condition came over.

Behind him, Ake was already able to sit up without help.






Before any other words could be exchanged a series of chained explosions chimed across the city.

From where everyone was standing they could see clearly as explosions went off.

For an instant silence engulfed everything before complete mayhem broke out.

The once beautiful city was now practically covered in flames from the explosions.

Screams of confusion came from everywhere in the city.

The warbeast kept scattering around trying to find their loved ones while also trying to escape the explosions and flying debris.

No one had time to be shock or even try to understand what was going on.

The warbeast who were at the ball that had family or friends in the city didn't hesitate to run down.

Azreal felt a tight grip on his shoulder that prevented him from moving, looking up he saw Bakra looking around, for something or someone in the crowd.

"Leave," Bakara said as he pointed to a balcony where Nawai and Eru were looking at him.

Taking a quick look around he saw Brinsop gesturing something similar to Ake.

What the fuck going on?

Can I get a minute? Just one!

That was the only thought that crossed his mind before sprinting towards Nawai and Eru without hesitation.

With the ability, Brinsop and Bakra likely had if they said to leave after a few explosions go off he wasn't going to argue.

If he stayed around for questions his survival probability would plummet to a place where it didn't feel comfortable.

Making his way through the chaotic crowd, If he was any weaker he probably would've been tramped, everyone one was trying to get somewhere or do something, they didn't care much about anything else.

The moment Azreal got to where Nawai and Eru were they turn around and started running while motioning for him to follow.

"Let's go!"