Viva la Revolution!

After taking several turns they escaped the crowd but Azreal still didn't know what was going on.

Seeing that there was no one else around Azreal finally asked.

"What's going on?"

"Fools observing the society from the bottom of a well"

Azreal didn't think much about what Eru said since the only thing he understood was that they were being attacked by short-sighted people?

So he turned his gaze towards Nawai instead.

"His Majesty doesn't appear anymore, so some assume he's actually deceased and the attendance in the palace are just hiding it, there really is no way for anyone to verify if it's true or not since there is no way to enter the palace without his majesty's permission, so if he's dead then we can never enter and if he's alive then he doesn't want to meet with anyone, so the idea that he's dead gave life to a faction that wants to break open the palace and verify it"

Nawai paused for a moment to let the information sink in before continuing.

"Now you might wonder why not break in the palace and confirm it, in truth that was the general consensus at the time until an attendant came from the palace gave an order in the name of the king, that caused a rift between those who believed he was dead and those who believe he was alive, the attendant coming forward with an order is enough proof to some that he's alive since entering and leaving the palace is the same it can't be done without his majesty's permission, still those who believe he died believes that since the attendants have been in the palace for countless years it's not impossible for them to know of alternate ways out"

While Nawai was speaking Eru gave them a signal to stop moving.

Peeking around the nook.

There was two war beast dress in flowing full black garbs that covered them from head to toe, they're eyes were also covered in a thin black mesh making it impossible to tell what kind of warbeast they are.

Eru didn't say anything or take any action he just stood by and observed them, they seemed to be looking for someone.

"What are you idiots doing?"

Another warbeast that was dressed in a similar manner -except that warbeast had a red armband -appeared walking down the hall to the other two.

"Go inform the others that the rune table has been found"

The rune table?

Azreal understood what this meant since Nawai and Eru mentioned it before.

But why would they be looking for that?


Dragged from his thoughts by the short pain-filled grunt and the crackling sounds that accompanied it, Azreal looked up to discover a green claw-like hand holding onto a red beating lump of meat.

Pulling his hands back Eru's figure disappeared before reappearing in front of Azreal and Nawai.

"We need to hurry and get to the Rune table before anyone else gets to it"

Azreal ran behind them but only out of instinct he was shocked at how fast Eru moved, the three warbeast laid dead and he'd only managed to catch a glimpse of one.

"If they get to the rune table before us they'll try to seal or destroy it and us being stuck here wouldn't even be close to being the worst outcome, the city of Bakra would be cut off"

"No one would know what happened here?"

Nawai shook his head.

"Attacking the 'fully armed' capital would be completely foolish because before you could accomplish anything a few old beasts would appear but what happens if you could stop that aid from appearing? The capital would be just a normal city in a sense, it would be easier to break open the palace. Prevent outside aid and both parties would be on equal footing since they're here it can be assumed that they've already gotten to the other rune tables or they're in the process of"

Nawai spoke like he was thinking out loud, trying to reason out the situation that was playing out around them or maybe he was just picking up from where he left off earlier.

"If they destroy it the capital would know but if they can take control of it, deterring anyone else from using it then all would seem normal, we have to hurry, if we don't get back to the capital and warn them everything might be destroyed! If they seal off all the rune tables then they'd have a few hours to attack before anyone discovered anything awry, a well planned out assault could cripple the country!"

Eru grunted in response to Nawai's thoughts, spinning around he grabbed onto both Azreal and Nawai.

Raising one leg Eru stomped the floor beneath his feet.


The moment his foot made contact with the ground it completely shattered allowing them to free-fall down to the floor beneath which became no different from the floor above.






The moment they landed on the basement level of the mansion they were immediately surrounded my five warbeasts covered from head to town in full gold plated armor with golden spears pointed at them but once they identified one of the intruders was Eru they lowered their weapons and took a more relaxed stance but said nothing.

"Inform the capital that Bakra is being attacked and that other cities might also be undergoing the same thing, the enemies intention might be to take control of the rune tables"

While Eru spoke he walked forward stopping in front of what looked like a big Aztec sundial surrounded by four columns, the table looked large enough to hold at least six people, the five warbeast stood in beside the table.

As the warbeast pushed on the dial each individual ring moved, glowing as some of the large and small symbols began to align, the dial gave off a low rumble as it turned to show just how heavy it was.

Azreal couldn't understand what the larger symbols on the rune table meant, the only thing he could understand was some of the smaller characters that glowed. They were relaying the message that Eru just gave them.

Four of the five sentries moved away from the diagram and walked over to the four stone pillars in the room.

Each pillar had a space for a hand that all the guards pressed.

Once all of them did Azreal back was instantly drenched in cold sweat, for an instant Azreal wanted to fall to his knees and prostrate in front of them!

Emperor Beast?!

They clearly weren't beast king, the level of pressure he felt a moment ago made him feel mentally and physically exhausted if it had lasted even a millisecond more he would've been on the ground.

Turning to his side, he observed Nawai, noticing that he was in the same condition he only looked slightly better of, even Eru looked like he'd been affected a little.

Why would emperor beast be here? And why the fuck are we running if these guys are here?!

Seeming to read Azreals thoughts Eru gave him a reassuring nod but didn't speak.

When the four sentries in gold pressed their hands on the column the one that remained in front of the diagram rammed his spear in the 'keyhole' [1] on the ground, with a bit of effort the guard turned it.

At the same time, the glow of the runes became brighter, lighting up the entire room but only for a second before returning to normal. After the glow vanished the table began to rumble as it moves back to its original position.