Sailing Out to the Sea

In the face of the commander's amicable attitude, the middle-aged officer unyieldingly said, "General, the soldiers can make sacrifices for the benefit of the country, but you can't let them die for no reason. Please do not use the combat success of Shrimp World No. 1 to measure the invasion this time. Those armies from the supernatural realm did not have any threat under the long-range gunfire bombardment of our Air Force but this time, it's their strongest powerhouses who have invaded Oahu! This is like having the bacteria originally stuck to the toilet invading the human body. The problem that could originally be solved with disinfectant and toilet brush would now need a highly effective antibiotic, or even…"

"Major, aren't the Hickam Air Force Base and Kaneohe Bay Hawaii Marine Corps Base already helping you to deal with those invaders…"