The Great Worm Lich

The Great Worm Lich

Eastern677 Chapters2.3M Views
Author: zszz
Table of Contents

A young man from the Miaowei Tribe brought up by his strict father, suddenly turned into Rank 1 Wizard on the day he was orphaned. He then obtained the ability to control giant worms.

Soon after, he found his mother who was in a faraway foreign land by accident. From a small mountain village, he managed to jump into the amazing arena that was a global metropolis.

Thus far, we have a young man who inherited the legacy of mastering ancient demons from an ancient country.

From Western civilization to other worlds, a fascinating saga is born.

409 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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The translation is very confusing at times and often uses words that have completely different meanings from what is intended. For example, not a single worm has appeared twenty chapters into the series. Instead, there have only been things like lizards, snakes, and centipedes, which are definitely not considered "worms" in English. One reader commented that the translation is supposed to be something like Gu, which is prominent in Asian horror novels involving evil magic creepy-crawlies and would make more sense than "worm." Another confusing detail is when a broken limb gets mixed up with an flesh wound or an amputation. A broken arm is much less of a problem than an amputated one, and these are two very different meanings in English. That said, it is possible to figure out what the translation was probably supposed to say. When I first voted for this novel, I expected to see an MC who died with worms crawling over his body before he revives as an undead lich or something. Thus far, there are no worms, and the MC is very much alive. I assume the "worm" part of the title is a translation error, but I don't know if the "lich" part of the title means that the MC will die and come back as a lich later on or if this is also a translation error. The story development is confusing, which doesn't help the odd translations. It picks up after the first ten or so chapters. The logic is skewed all over the place as far as characters and development go, but part of that could be a cultural thing. The culture is very interesting to read about and is the main reason I am still reading this series so far. I'm not sure how long it will keep my attention, but the distinct culture described in this series is the only reason I've read so many chapters. The MC isn't likeable so far and hasn't shown much depth. He has shown some development, so hopefully that will continue to be interesting. A cop has played a prominent role so far, but he is basing his judgement of guilt or innocence purely on his gut instinct and not evidence. There are cases I've read about where an officer has forged evidence because he "knew" the suspects were guilty, but they were proven innocent later. Naturally, the officer in question went to prison. The cop in this story is like that, and he's incredibly annoying and sullying the name of investigation. Then again, this is China, so I'm not sure if they prefer following feeling over reason as part of their legal system, unlike the one in my country. Otherwise, none of the side characters have been particularly likeable or worthy of attention. Although the cultural details are interesting, there isn't much information about the world background itself. The storytelling is messy at best, and there's no clear summary regarding "wizards," who are more like evil sorcerers or witches in this setting. I'm not sure if any clarification will be added later. So far, there has only been a detail dropped in once every several chapters, so the system of magic or voodoo or using familiars or whatever exactly is supposed to be going on here doesn't leave any basis for the reader to understand it.

6 years ago

Website : qidian china Views : 3.27million Rating : 9.0(505) Chapters : 750+approx Status : completed Word count : 2.31million author level : lv4 No of works : 7 Disscussion : 1368 Year started : 2013(sigh another old novel) Chinese title : 巨虫尸巫 Guys my current favorite novel is "Beautiful Time With You". It's one of the best romance novels I ever read! I know many of you might be hesitating cuz it's Ye Fei Ye novel! I can understand that! But I promise you it's a very cute and prolly the funniest novel with like zero heart wrenching moments! Give it a try guys! Also sorry guys was kinda late today!

6 years ago

Good stuff this is. Also, completely unrelated, I hate that we need at least 140 character to post a review. But this novel is great. I like this novel, but hate the minimum character requirements on reviews.

6 years ago

curious about the continuation of this novel? You can read the MTL version first on : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 years ago

I didn't get enough context to give this story a proper review. However, something that I would definitely like others to know is this. The translation is extremely localized in a way. For example, the terms lich and wizard are very associated with western fantasy. However, this story is an eastern fantasy story. Another thing is that this story gives off extremely dark vibes. The atmosphere in most parts of the story were dark and gloomy. There really hasn't been anything to completely confirm that this story will be really dark though. I recommend this story for others to read as it is interesting and fresh. still banned for 9 days now. NLNL

6 years ago

Interesting idea, but the writing/ editing needs a bunch of work. Everything is choppy and makes it uncomfortable to read. When the author tries to describe things it becomes wordy, description is good, but it needs to make sense and not be so awkward.

6 years ago

I honestly gotta say that at the moment this is the novel i am looking forward to the most each day. It got a unique setting with a young man whose father died and his mom, an american, actually comes to pick him up and take him to live with her and his 2 halfsiblings and 3 stepsiblings in New York. Which is amazing in my opinion because first of all too few chinese novels take place outside of china, which is why this story is such a breath of fresh air. Secondly he actually lives in a normal patchwork family, his siblings, some care for him more some less, are normal people and his stepfather tries to understand and support him so we actually got a normal western family culture instead of the typical "my father's 7th mistresses' adopted son doesn't like me so i have to kill him" type of bull**** that i am allready so tired of. Furthermore it got a dark theme, an mc that's not fascinated by every beautiful girl that comes by (we actually only have 1 girl that's important at the moment which is amazing) and he is kind of badass with a unique cultivation system where he doesn't kill everybody just because but if somebody tries to really mess with him he goes ham because negative emotions help him cultivate faster so the story gotta stay more on the dark side (nice). As for worldbuilding and pacing they are both nice, even though we don't know much about the wizard world. That's about one of the few things that i don't like about this novel: the word choice of the translator. Everybody who has read enogh wuxia novels will realise that he is actually not a wizard (thanks harry for ruining this term for me) but a gu master, who uses poisonous animals (insects, snakes, reptiles, etc.). That is also why it is so confusing that the word "worm" was chosen to descrobe any kind of poisonous creature the mc encounters: "Wow it's a worm" (he says while looking at a toad) "Such an amazing wizard worm" (he says while looking at a komodo dragon) You get me right? If not for the (kind of) poor word choice, the many grammar mistakes and ****ed up uses of the metric system (a 15 meters long reptile weighs 1.5 kg, sure why not) and the frickin slow update pace this would easily crush most novels that are currently being translated just because of a simple fact: THIS NOVEL IS TRULY UNIQUE AND NOT WUXIA COPY PASTE

5 years ago

Since the las weekend, the novel just stopped updating chapters... this is a shame coz is a good story with lots of potential. I hope it won’t ended up in limbo-hiatus like Martial Arts master.

6 years ago

Dead already? No updates and we are going on a week since the last one. Pretty unfortunate if it doesn't even make it past 20 chapters. It is also dumb that reviews have a character limit, not much else I can say about the story, BECAUSE IT'S ONLY AT TWENTY CHAPTERS!

6 years ago

interesante. [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]

6 years ago

yes it's another good novel that been fuc, ked by webnovel.😢😢😢 They have dropped it without any notice. so don't waste your money on it.

4 years ago

A very good story dragged down by a horrible translation team. The story has been dropped by them quite a few times. Weeks go by with no update. They promised to be more consistent and slowly post updates then drop again. The story was doing really well. Sure not top 10 but at least top 30 at first, then they dropped and it lost the readers. And they dropped again, and again. Worse once the story went premium they completely stopped translating.

5 years ago

Hi , This is Tynan, I am an editor from another platform that focuses on adventurous Genre Fictions. After reading your “The Great Worm Lich”, I decided to contact you and if possible, to extend you an invitation on distributing your works. However, there are so little I can talk about it here. If you were interested, please contact me via , then I should take opportunity to discuss it with you in detail. It was a great pleasure to meet your story. Sincerely Tynan

4 years ago

Read it for 10 hours straight, right after passing 100 chapter the story character everything just started deteriorating. The mc started acting like a harem protagonist while girls taking advantage of his powers. Story just stopped progressing, just slowed down significantly. (If you are looking for a non harem and stoic mc with little to no romance your mind will repeat the slogan below) All and all MY Day is ruined and disappointment is immeasurable.

4 years ago

The story was really good. But then the MC went FULL harem mode. I don't know why the author did this. He even made the MC feel bad for cheating on his girlfriend. but then he continued to cheat on her with other girls. For some reason the 'american' girls became okay with it. Well, i am dropping this at this point. Read till chapter 450 i think. This review is for anyone who thinks this is not a harem. It is. It is a harem.

5 years ago