The Secret under the Desert

At the prime hour on the second night after the interview, NBC TV station put their hit movie on hold and played a special program for two hours and forty minutes, showing the interview with the founder of the LS Group that was barely edited to millions of viewers, sparking heated debate among the people as expected.

After that, all of the TV stations of various sizes in Noah began to hastily produce countless related programs from this interview that could be said as a 'one-man show' and keep heating up the news. The trend that was not cooling down became hotter and hotter.

By adopting a wait-and-see attitude, NBC TV, which took the lead at the beginning and spared no expense to dispatch adventurous journalists to Shrimp World No. 2 to shoot real-life documentaries by heating-up the exclusive interview, defeating all of its opponents in one fell swoop, and dominating the market to become the most influential media company in the nation.