New Student

Cami's POV


"Ugh, this fucking alarm clock," I whispered and threw the alarm clock on the wall and broke it. How many alarm clocks do I already have that I broke? Maybe about 50+, then I slept again.


"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed. Did it get splashed with cold water? What is this? Ice bucket challenge without ice?!

"That's why. Staying in deep sleep." Reggie said as I saw him standing where the door of my room was. I saw Jace holding a bucket, I looked at him badly.

"I know I was sleeping but I hope you informed me that we'll have an ice bucket challenge."

"You broke your alarm clock again. Tsk tsk tsk." Ray said like he didn't hear what I said.

"Is it my fault that that alarm clock is always loud?"

"All alarm clocks are always loud," Aaron said.

Troy suddenly laid down on my bed. The fool is feeling at home. They're always here at my house anyways. My mom just lets them. It's because they were my only friends when I transferred to their school when we were in the 5th grade. They have been best friends since the 1st grade. I was the first girl to ever hang out with them all the time. They said it's because I'm not like other girls in school. All the girls have been fangirling on them every time they see them. That's why six of us have been best friends for 5 years now.

"I'm gonna take a bath already. Get out now." Instead of them leaving, they sat down next to Troy and made me join them.

"Go away, I don't want anything SPG!" I screamed.

"Silly. We just laid down, it's already SPG?" Before when we were in the 5th grade, all of us used to sleep next to each other." Aaron said. After 5 minutes, they already stood up.

"Go ahead. Go downstairs and eat already."

"YES, MA'AM!" The five of them shouted and then salute me.

"OUT!!!" I screamed and pushed them out of my room.

After getting ready, I went down to the kitchen and found them eating.

"Cami, eat already. Don't be shy," Troy said.

"Silly. This is my house."

"Ohh this is yours. Hehehe"

"What time is it?" I asked.

"10:30," They said together with their answer.

"How many subjects did we skip now?" I asked. We're already used to being late.

"Four already," Reggie said. It's real right? Our class president is always late but is still the top 1.

"Let's go, guys," Jace said.

Jace immediately took the car when we were all inside riding the car. While Jace was driving, we were singing whatever comes out of the stereo. It's because my phone is connected to Jace's stereo, that's why we all know the lyrics.

We finally arrived at school and immediately went to our classroom. We will be able to reach the last subject this morning, so we are running to the classroom.

We finally came to the classroom and were shocked because somebody already sat on our chairs.

"Hey, that's my chair," Troy told Eliza.

"Camila, Raymond, Troy, Aaron, Jace, and Reggie. You six are late again. How long will you guys always be late?" Mrs. Brown lectured us.

"Ma'am, why are there already students who are sitting on our chairs?" Aaron asked.

"I changed the seating arrangement because of you six. Your math teacher told me earlier, that you cheated during the quiz. Is it true?" Mrs. Brown asked.

"Yes, Ma'am!" We screamed, so we received a bash by the stick of Mrs. Brown.

"Yet, you are still proud. Now as punishment for being late... Hmm? Show me your talent." She said.

We were having problems discussing with what we should do. So then we decided that Ray and I would sing while Aaron, Jace, Reggie, and Troy are gonna act from the lyrics of the song.

You Shine by the Riverdale Cast:


"If you could see

The way that you look to me

I bet that you'd be amazed at the sight

You'd see a heart

That's fearless and true

From my point of view

Oh, you shine"

Everyone's laughing at the four of them. They act so funnily.

Ray and Cami:

"No doubts, no more fears

I see you shine and the dark disappears

Then I know everything is gonna be fine

Because you shine, oh how you shine

You shine"

Ray's voice is so nice. Omg <3


"I think you hide so much you feel inside

But I know deep down

There's a fire burning bright

From where you stand

It might not be clear

But you shine from here"

Cami and Ray:

"No doubts, no more fears

I see you shine and the dark disappears

Then I know everything is gonna be fine

Because you shine, just how you shine"

We were finally done. But everyone was still laughing at the three of them, even Mrs. Brown. XD

"Okay, you can go sit down now. You are all jokers!" Mrs. Brown said while she was still laughing.

The five of them already found where they were gonna sit, but not me.

"Uhm, Ma'am? Where do I sit?" I asked.

"Bryan, remove your bag, so Cami can have a seat. Oh, and the six of you, you have a new classmate. Bryan, please come in front and introduce yourself again" Mrs. Brown said.

The new guy removed his bag and went in front.

"Cami, you can sit now," Ma'am said as I sat down.

"Hello to the six who were late. I'm Bryan Jordan Miller. I hope you could follow up." Bryan said and bowed. He looks like an American, let me ask. I raised my hand.

"Yes, Cami?" Ma'am asked.

"Ma'am, is he an American?"

"Yes, I'm half American. I'm from America." Bryan answered.

"No more questions? You may now sit, Bryan." Ma'am said.

He was walking back to where he was, at my side. Before he sat down, I received a letter. I opened it and it was actually from Troy. I looked at him, to my surprise, he was looking at me too. He had this mischievous grin on his face. I looked at the letter and...

'Cami, take care of the guy next to you. He's handsome. Don't rape him HAHAHAHA LOVE YOU'

Troy is such a fool.

"Hi. I'm Bryan." Bryan smiled.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Oh no, no. I was talking to the chair." He said as he pointed at my seat. Oh wow, the goof is sarcastic.

"You are also sarcastic, aren't you?"

"Hahaha, I'm kidding. What's your name?"

"My name is not interested," I said irritatingly. I'll teach him. Wait, why am I irritated?

"Hello, not interested. What an interesting name." Oh wow, he really is sarcastic.

"Okay class, you are now dismissed." I heard Mrs. Brown say

"Ugh! Sarcastic!" I told Bryan and went to the five.

"Cam, we can't join you for lunch. We're sorry." Ray said.

"Where are you going?"

"We're going to the mall, we'll be meeting someone," Aaron said.

"Who are you gonna meet?" I asked

"Secreeeeet" Troy said

"So you're not going later?"

"Yeah.. we're sorry. Just go together with Amanda instead." Aaron said as I looked back and saw Amanda smiling.

"Alright. Byeee" I said as I hugged them.

"Let's go, Cams," Amanda said


We're already here at the mess hall, eating.

"Bianca! Sit here" Amanda told a girl looking for a table to eat on. She sat next to Amanda and started eating.

"Hi, I'm Cami. Camila Dianna Anderson." I introduced myself and place my hands in front of her to shake her hand. She immediately brought one hand up and shook my hand.

"Hello, I'm Bianca. Bianca Jasmine Miller." She introduced herself and place her hand down.

"Bianca, what are you to Bryan Jordan Miller?" Amanda asked.

"I'm her brother." I immediately choked. Amanda then handed me some water.

"Ahia[1]! What are you doing here?!" Bianca irritatingly asked him.

"Not interested, are you okay?" Bryan asked me

"Ahia, her name is Cami," Bianca said

"She told me her name was Not Interested"

"Ahia, stop being sarcastic."

"I have to go," I said and left right away.

I opened my phone and called the five of them one by one, but it says it cannot be reached.

"Who are they even meeting?!" I screamed even though I knew no one would hear me because I was the only one at the backfield.

"Are you talking about your friends that were also late earlier?"

"Are you stalking me?" I assumed

"What are you to the five of them?"

"Why do you care?"

"Are you a tomboy?"

"Get out of my face!" I shouted and heard him chuckle.

"Chill, I'm sorry. When did you guys meet?"

"5th Grade."

"So you've been friends for 5 years?"

I nodded and he asked "What about us? Can we be friends?" well.. there's no problem at all. He looks nice, but only "LOOKS" nice.

"Sure." I smiled.

"So... let's start from the beginning. I'm Bryan." He said as he gave me his hand.

"Hello, I'm Camila," I said and held his hand and then we shook hands.

"So... we're friends now?" He asked

"I think so?"

[1] - Ahia is a Filipino-Chinese term for older brother.