Stop Pretending

Jelly base is a game here in the Philippines. It's kinda hard to explain so...

Cami's POV

"Class dismissed." After ma'am said that, the five boys stood up and went to me.

"Aaron said we're gonna play Jelly base in a bit," Ray said.

"Sure, let me eat my snacks first. After eating I'll go straight to the backfield. Be quick!" After I said that, I went straight to the canteen and bought a barbecue and rice.

Amanda and I were already eating barbecue here at the mess hall. She was also eating quickly because she told us she would join the game. It's actually okay with the five of them because they are also friends with Amanda, but not that close.

Amanda and I already went to the backfield. We saw the boys looking for two trees for the bases.

"Look, this is a nice tree. Nobody's gonna fall because of this for sure." Reggie said.

We started playing, the people in my group are Ray and Troy. The other group has Amanda, Jace, Aaron, and Reggie. After a few minutes of playing, I fell because of a rock then...

"WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" they all laughed.

"That fucking rock! HAHAHAHA" I also laughed hard. I slipped because I fell on a rock. I actually looked like an ice skater XD

"CAMII!!" I heard someone screaming... Bryan????

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I saw Bianca behind him.

"Are you okay?!" He asked and helped me up.

"I'm fine!" I said and then the five went closer and Reggie removed his hand from mine and Aaron pulled me going to them.

"Aren't you the new student?" Ray asked him.

"Yeah. I'm Bryan and this is my twin sister, Bia---"

"Hey, I'm Bianca" she cut him off and place her hand in front.

"Hey, I'm Troy," Troy said and held and shook her hand.

"I'm Ray," Ray said and took her hand from Troy.

"Aaron," Aaron said as he took her hand. Bianca immediately removed her hand and pointed at Jace.

"And you are?" Bianca asked Jace. He didn't move at all. He just looked at her hand.

"Oh! He's Jace" I immediately said. She placed her hand back shyly.

"You're actually twins?!" Amanda asked as she screamed.

"Yeah, but I don't wanna be in the same class as him because I won't be free being with him all the time." Bianca laughed.

"Ohh hahaha" Amanda awkwardly laughed.

"All right... I have to go. Nice meeting you" Bianca smiled.

"Where are you going?" Bryan asked her.



Bianca's POV

I was walking to the canteen but then someone blocked the way in front of me.


"Stop pretending like you don't know me, Bianca."