The Surprise

Bryan's POV

We were actually having fun but then I noticed Camila became pale and she stopped moving. Bianca held her hand and said she was cold. She looked like she wanted to faint. She immediately gave me the trophy and ran off, so I followed her.

Cami's POV

I immediately left the gym because I can't take it anymore looking at that man's face. So irritating! Bianca still has a surprise for Bryan... I'm sorry Bianca.

I went straight to our classroom and that was where I let out all of my tears I've been waiting to let out. My head's on the teacher's table, tears on it already.

It really hurts. It really hurts being second best.

"Cam.." I looked at the person standing near the door.

"What are you doing here Bryan? I said and place my head down on the table again, I was still crying okay?

"I think I should be the one asking you... I just followed you here.." He softly said. It made my heart warm knowing he wanted to know if I was okay.

"I'm just sick of being number two.."

"What do you mean?" He was so curious. Should I tell him? Sure.. since we're already friends. I lifted my head up and looked at him since he was in front of me.

"I saw my dad.. together with his wife. It really fucking hurts... I shouldn't have been born! I was just a mistake, Bryan... A mistake." I started explaining.

"I was conceived in a one night stand. He just left us. He didn't care about us. He was with us for a few years, but he didn't really care because he had a family. I don't really know what he ate on that day, I don't know why he did that to his wife. I don't know why he cheated on her. But it still hurts, without having a father. I will never forget what happened to me when I wasn't transferred here when I was in the fifth grade... It was family day at my old school, I went alone. Mom and dad weren't there. My mom, she works and works just to take care of me, because of my useless dad. Until she had enough money to transfer me here when I was in the fifth grade. That's why she transferred me to a private school. I think without those five assfaces, I would be dead by now." Bryan immediately stood up and hugged me.

"Shhh stop it.. don't say that. You aren't a mistake. God gave you life for a reason. Don't think that you were supposed to die. You're an amazing woman, Cami. Always, always remember that." I just hugged him instead

"Thank you, Bryan. Thank you for being here." I said and we went back to the gym. I don't care if I see that man's face here.

Bryan had to go to the men's room, so I went to Bianca and Amanda, who were with the guys.

"You cried?" Amanda asked. I smiled and shook my head.

"Cami, after the program don't forget the surprise." Bianca smiled and I just nodded.

"Camila.." My eyes widen from hearing that. I just looked at him with no emotions AT ALL.

"Camila, can we please talk?" I looked at Bianca and the others and they nodded. I left the gym and he followed. After leaving the gym, I looked at his face.

"What should we talk about?"

"You sing so well, sweetheart. You got that from me-"

"What. Should. We. Talk. About." Annoying! Does he even know how to sing?! What does he want?!

"Uhm.. my dear Camila, it's because.."

"SPILL IT!" I shouted because it was so annoying already!

"I'm here to take you from your mo-" I immediately left before he even finished his sentence. How does he have all the courage to take me away from my mom?! Who does he think he is?! I went to the side of the gym.

"Cam?" I looked over at the person.

"Bryan..." I went closer to him and hugged him. I just cried on his shoulders.

"What happened?"

"He's here to take me from my mom."

"Don't worry, that won't happen."

"How could he? He has the courage to take me away from MY MOTHER. For what? To make me their maid? Their helper? Wow."

"Shhh... I'm here"

"Cami? Bryan?" We looked over and saw Bianca.

"What happened?!" Amanda asked and all of them ran to us. I looked at Bryan and he just nodded. So I explained everything to them about my dad. The guys know about him already, but they have never seen him.

"Actually, Cams.." I looked at Ray.

"We know that this would happen to you.." I was taken aback by what Jace has said. I crossed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean you knew this would happen?" Amanda asked.

"These past few days, we were talking to your dad we were trying to stop his plans from taking you from your mom," Aaron said.

"But he really wants to take you. He even plans on taking you to America." Troy said. I stopped at what he said. Me?? To bring me to America?? I stood up and went to my "oh-so-amazing" father. I looked at him still standing outside the gym. I went closer.

"Such disgrace!" I shouted. He just looked at me.

"You don't have the right to shout at me, Camila. How did your mother raise you?!" My eyes grew bigger hearing what he just said.



I held the part of my face on where he slapped me at. I smiled at him.

"You were hurt from what I said? You won't accept that you are really like that? Let me finish, YOU ARE SUCH A USELESS FATHER." I smiled.

"Whatever happens--"

"Oh, and by the way, you don't have the right to slap me. My own mother took care of me, she fed me, and most of all, she never slapped me." I said.

"I'm so sorry.."

"Sorry? Hah! What a big word! I wish you said that before! I won't treat you as my dad!" I said. "Oh and SIR, I won't follow you," I said and left him. I went inside the gym and saw my friends in the bleachers so I went there.

"Hey, Cam. You okay now?" Bryan asked. "Yes :)" I smiled. I saw Bianca holding Jace's hand as he held the other guys' hands and saw her hand gesturing to go to the conference room already.

"Oh uhm, Bryan! Happy Birthday again, best friend!"

"Thank you, best friend!" See how far we've been through! Best friends!

"Oh, and btw, can you follow me to the canteen?" I said.

"Oh uh, okay. You really can't stop eating, can't you?"


We bought two Coca-Cola and two burgers.

"Hey, let's go to the backfield. I want to go somewhere peaceful" I said and he followed me. I kept looking to see if the gang was there.

"Oh here, Bryan! Let's go inside the conference room! I can see it's open!"

"Ugh, fine. Cami" He said. We were finally there, it was so dark. I turned on the switch and then...