The Strange Stone Tablet

"Hmm I wonder if I can find any more fruits, I'm tired of eating porridge and bread every day," said Renato, He would often sneak out of the city to find some fruit for him and his only friend he has at the orphanage, Damon.

Smelling something enticing Ren looked around for the smell "Oh my gosh is that a spirit fruit?!" not looking where he was going Ren ran towards the fruit with a strong sent hanging from a tree he grabbed it only to trip over a root right after and stumble down a massive hill and roll down it.

"OWWWW" shouted Ren, realising he could be in danger he put his hand over his mouth, he almost forgot he was in the dangerous woods outside where some spirit beasts sometimes roam luckily he was only on the outskirts of the woods otherwise he could have attracted some dangerous beasts.

Looking ahead he saw a cave while he was injured he hadn't broken any bones but he wasn't sure if he would be able to get back up the hill he just fell down, however looking at the spirit fruit in his hands he could help but grinning ear to ear. Walking into the cave carefully making sure nothing was in there he couldn't help but be shocked there seemed to be a light coming from within the cave.

"Hello?" He said softly, scared that there might be some evil person hiding here as he slowly walked in only to be shocked even more by what he saw. A strange stone tablet stood in the middle of the cave glowing with a golden tint to it.

Out of pure excitement Ren ran over to it and touched it to see if he could take it, only to be frozen stiff by what he saw as images started to flash before his eyes straight into his mind what was even more shocking was that these seemed to be his past lives not believing what he saw he decided to slap himself only to be painfully reminded that he was injured. Right after realising that he was not dreaming extreme fatigue seemed to kick in and he collapsed, after a few hours he woke up only to see the stone tablet missing.

"What the hell was that and where did it go, more importantly, what are these memories are they really my past lives? and why can I remember them all my brain isn't even fully developed yet even if it was there was no way I would remember all this information, in fact, it seems my mentality has changed drastically it must be because of this knowledge I now have. Ouch shit I almost forgot that I was injured I wonder if there are any memories of how I can recover oh yeah I almost forgot about the spirit fruit"

As he glanced at the spirit fruit on the floor, shock filled his face and he couldn't help but shout out "OH MY GOD" as the memory of himself from thousands of years ago came to mind. Chuckling to himself he could help but think that he was perhaps the luckiest person to ever exist right now, he was holding the legendary rebirth fruit. A fruit that removed all impurity from the body of whoever ate it giving them an extreme advantage when cultivating, coupled with the fact that he also had multiple memories with amazing cultivation methods he understood that he would stand at the top of this world if his flame wasn't snuffed out early.

Quickly stuffing the fruit into his mouth he didn't let any liquid escape from his mouth keeping a few drops for his best friend in a glass bottle that he had, after all this his body started to burn and he started to vomit up black blood and lots of disgusting impurities while his bones started to strengthen and his skin started to become stronger and more flexible. Letting out a loud shot he was extremely refreshed his injuries also seemed to have recovered after calming himself down he walked out the cave and started to climb back up the hill.

After sneaking back into the city through his secret exit he went back to the orphanage to sort out his memories and decide what cultivation method he would use and how he would proceed from this point on he realised that the first thing he had to do was obtain some funds. Thinking about this he decided the best way was to hunt some normal animals, he knew he was no match for spirit beasts at this moment in time.

"Now then this is when things get serious, what cultivation method should I use. It seems I should wait until I can check if I have any special constitution first" he thought to himself.

"Ren! what took you so long?" a questioning voice came from outside his room, it was his best friend Damon.

"Don't get me started, a boar started to chase me! I had to hide up a tree." not wanting to expose what really happened Ren quickly came up with a believable excuse.

"What! are you ok brother?" Replied Damon in a caring voice.

noticing the care in his voice Renato couldn't help but smile "it seems I have a true friend" he thought while replying "I'm fine, come in I have some good fruits this time brother"

After eating Damon and Ren went to bed.