Enjoying a Feast

"Hey old geezer, I want this earth monkey tendon and this scrap metal"

"Little brat you're supposed to respect your elders, and that's 8 copper pieces can you even afford it" replied the shopkeeper

"I'll tell you what old man throw in 100g of beef jerky and ill give you 10 copper pieces"

"Show me the copper and we have a deal little brat," said the shopkeeper

Walking out of the shop with a smile on his face Renato walked back home and started to create his hunting bow, and when he finished that he grabbed a bowl and sorted out the portions of herbs to make the poison and told Damon to start crushing them up in the bowl with a stone and to make sure he doesn't spill any whilst he made the arrows. After 15 minutes he created 10 arrows and with the spare metal, he made a knife, although it wasn't as many as he wanted and just an average knife it was enough to get his money back and more, then he started to sharpen the arrowheads and knife.

After 40 minutes of sharpening the knife and arrowheads, he ran his finger across the blade and it started bleeding, then checking to make sure his bow was going to draw properly. After going through his checks he made sure the poison was ready put it in a glass jar and headed outside of the city.

After getting out of the city he and Damon started looking for some animals to hunt after just 12 minutes of searching they found a snake drawing his bow, Ren pierced it through the snake and nailed it to the tree it was slithering up. Making sure it was dead by cutting off its head he then handed it to Damon who put it into a wicker basket. Just half an hour later they discovered a potentially massive gain it was a massive boar after hiding and preparing his arrow by covering it in the poison someone crazy happened and a mountain lion came along and killed the boar. Putting his finger over his lip Renato warned Damon not to make any noise, luckily it was upwind of them so it couldn't smell them, after 30 minuted of the lion stripping the boar of all its meat it left and the two finally exhaled a massive breath, "Phew brother Ren, I thought we were done for" said Damon while sweating and panting heavily.

"We were lucky, we need to be more careful next time brother. Sorry that was my fault, at least we can sell its bones and tusks for a couple copper pieces, right let's keep going" said Ren disappointed.

About two hours later the duo headed back with a couple squirrels, snakes and some bones. after selling the snake, and bones they walked away with 6 more copper pieces, once they where back the owner of the orphanage came to tell them dinner was ready. Although they didn't really want to they still gave the two squirrels to the owner because of the care she had given them over the years. They weren't the kind of people to repay kindness with anything less and it would benefit a few people like them. After the owner made sure they didn't steal it she started to make a squirrel soup.

After their meal, the two friends headed to their room and went to bed because tomorrow they planned to go hunting early in the morning.

As the sun started to rise the two brothers woke up washed themselves and headed outside the city with their hunting kit although Damon did was carry the spoils, Renato didn't mind because he was hoping that Damon would pick up some techniques by watching him after they where hunting for the day they started to return only to discover a spirit herb, and it was one of the key ingredients in the qi gathering pill so Renato securely wrapped it up and stored it.

"What great luck we have this will be very important for our future growth brother haha," said Ren cheerfully.

"Ren are we not going to sell it? we could get some gold pieces for this" said Damon eagerly

"That would be such a waste, I plan on turning this into pills so we can become stronger" he replied

"You even know how to make pills brother Ren?!" shock plastered Damon's face

"Haha yeah I do, ok let's go back, although we didn't get any boar this time we got lucky with how many snakes we got, this time ill cook these squirrel for us I should be able to buy some good herbs as well"

After returning to the city Damon returned to the orphanage and started a fire like Ren asked while he went up to the old shopkeeper who he bought his items from and showed him all the snakes he had, after examining them the shopkeeper looked at him suspiciously

"Hey, little brat where did you get these ones from? I better not find out you stole them"

"Old man if you think we stole them ill happily go to another shop I'm sure someone will take these" replied Renato venomously.

"Alright... alright, ill give you 12 copper pieces"

"Haha, ill see you around old man clearly you don't take me seriously"

"Wait.... 20 copper that's all I can do, I have to make money you know" sighed the old man

"Ok old geezer you made a good choice I'm sure ill have more treats for you to come, also I need some salt, pepper, and flour and also some oil oh and ill take this frying pan as well."

"Ok little brat, but I'm only giving you 14 copper then" replied the old shopkeeper

"Alright old man, nice doing business with you," said Ren as he walked out the shop smiling

"Damn where did such a smart little brat come from?"

When he arrived home Damon had go the fire going, heating up the pan for 5 minuted Ren started preparing the squirrel stripping it of its skin and cutting it in to frying size pieces, rubbing them in oil then salt and pepper and then adding a hint of some fire grass herb that he found outside the city, after this he then covered them in flour and poured some oil into the pan after the oil was hot enough he started to fry the squirrel until a mouth watering smell started to come out of the pan.

"Ren, this is amazing, is there anything you don't know how to do? I bet this is what the people from the big clans get to eat stuff like this all the time but for anyone else, this could be considered a delicacy mmmmmm"