Buying Ingredients

Telling Matt to get the horses and carriage ready, Ren and Damon headed into the town. Asking Matt to take him to the best place to buy herb ingredients and spirit herbs and fruits the three arrived outside a branch of the pill guild parking up the carriage and tying up the horses so they wouldn't run away Ren gave Damon a list of food to go and buy and 10 pieces of silver, he also asked Matt to accompany Damon whilst he went and bought some ingredients.

When the two left he walked into the pill shop seeing all the pills on sale and their prices Ren couldn't help but shake his head.

"How could such trash pills be worth so much?" he thought to himself, "Has pill refining gone downhill so much? or is it because this is such a remote location from the rest of the world so pill creating has gone downhill? Oh well all it means is that my healing elixir will make me a fortune"

Heading up to the attendant Ren asked for 25 grams of sage grass, 12 flaming roses and 9 drops of a material used for refining pills called elemental water, it was a special kind of water that could only be found in a few locations, after doing some research on what he could make for the cheapest cost he found that the city was based on the elemental water spring and it was one of the reason the city was constructed in such a place it was also one of the main incomes for the city. Being fairly abundant in the city didn't mean it was cheap, it was still going to be the most expensive part of this elixir however to make money you have to spend money.

"Hey, little one can you even afford these items? even without the elemental water, it's still going to cost you 10 silver adding on the elemental water that's an extra 9 gold" said the attendant with a hint of derision in his voice. Hearing the tone of his voice Ren walked towards another attendant, scoffing the other attendant was clearly pissed off at him.

"Hi, how can I help you?" said the young girl politely, satisfied with her attitude Ren listed out all the materials he needed. After working out the cost to be 10 silver and 9 gold she went and collected the materials after returning with them Ren handed her the money and extra piece of gold as a tip.

Receiving such a big tip she couldn't help but smile, she would never have fought that just serving one customer could earn her a gold piece after bowing respectful to Ren when he left the other attended had an angry look on his face feeling extremely annoyed about how rude that brat was to him even ignoring him.

Coming out of the pill guild Ren decided to go to a shop to buy some glass phial's to store the elixir in for selling purposes, and some proper mixing apparatus.

Going over to a shop that sold all kinds of stuff he collected everything he needed and just as he was about to pay he saw a kid about his age about to get a beating for stealing, asking what he tried to steal and finding it was only a worth a few copper pieces he decided to pay for it not thinking much of it, after paying for his items he left the store.

Arriving at the horse and carriage he was just about to tell Matt to set off home, the boy who he just helped knocked on the door of the carriage, opening up and seeing him Ren asked: "Can I help you?"

Kneeling on the floor the young boy begged as tears streamed down his face "Please help my mother, shes incredibly sick and I don't know what to do"

Seeing the state of the kid Ren told him to get in the driver's seat next to Matt and tell him the directions to his residence.

Checking the boys mothers conditions he found out that she had contracted a terrible fever, although it was curable it wasn't something that they could afford let alone have a doctor come and diagnose them although it was expensive to buy the medicine it was cheaper for Ren to simply make it himself knowing this and seeing their living conditions Ren decided to offer them an olive branch.

"She has an extreme hot fever its easy to cure her I just need to buy some materials" listing of a few herbs to Matt and gave him a couple silver pieces to go buy them, although it was only a couple silver pieces seeing this the young boy couldn't help but be moved engraving this favour deep into his heart.

Once he got all the herbs Ren cleaned out a pot and added all the herbs and started boiling them, after all the essence had been boiled out of the herbs he drained the liquid out into a bowl and told them to wait till it cooled down and feed it to his mother after that she should be cured.

Arriving home later Ren was exhausted from such a long day out and decided to go to sleep so he was fresh to start making the healing elixir tomorrow, however in the servant quarters it was a different story Matt was pacing around thinking about what he saw today.

That youngster Ren grows more and more mysterious. Although I'm not sure who his master is but he must have one if he doesn't his skill with cooking and medicine could make him famous throughout the city, I can't think of anyone who wouldn't accept such a talented student. When he reaches the age of ten he will probably participate in the academy enrolment tests. I should try my hardest to become someone who he relies on, who knows what he will achieve in the future.

Even though it sounded selfish who wouldn't want to become acquainted with someone who could shake the whole city let alone become someone who he relies on and considers his confidant.