Slowly opening his eyes, Nemesis found himself lying down in a familiar place. The [Void Realm]. It was where he was held captive while his conscience was brought back in time to the current year. The [Void Realm], a place where nothing yet everything can exist. A place created of only [Void Particles] and thus able to transform into anything, for the Void mostly followed the law of the conservation of energy, where energy cannot be destroyed or created, only transformed from one form to another.
Nemesis shook his head as he fondly reminisced upon when he first found himself within the [Void Realm]. The same scenario, same situation yet different understanding. Back when he first fell asleep he awoke within the [Void Realm].
Silently chuckling to himself within the darkness at how mesmerised, confused and insane he was back then. Though not many of his memories were retained as he cared nought for them, one stuck glued to his brain no matter how much he tried to ignore it pestering him.
Awakening within an unknown realm, Nemesis slowly opened his two azure-blue eyes and began asking questions to the darkness as he picked himself off of the purplish-black ground.
"Hello? Where am I? Hunger!? Anyone!? Wait... the color that's the [Void], why... why am I stuck here? Please [Void], let me out!" Nemesis spoke with nervousness clearly evident in his voice. He was confused as to why he was trapped within the [Void].
Glancing all around him, the location which he seemed to be surrounded by [Void] walls, which seemed to be congealed together as it crawled, slivered and writhed about. However, the sight o wasn't something Nemesis feared, so he simply ignored the grotesque walls and began to walk around with his head lowered, staring down, not bothering to speak again since the [Void] didn't bother with responding with his first inquiry for escape, he didn't expect to ever receive one no matter how many times he asked.
He walked towards the grotesque, seemingly alive wall and moved his hand towards it and noticed something unique. The closer he got to the wall, the writhing wall would stop moving entirely in the area surrounding wherever a body part of his went.
Placing his hand against the wall, he began to walk clockwise until he found the corner of the room which he was trapped in then turned to follow the corner. Eventually, after a few minutes of aimlessly following the wall, he realised he was walking in circles! Or in this case, squares.
Feeling stupid for not realising the fact that he had been walking in squares sooner, he slammed his forehead against the [Void] wall. Once his forehead smacked into the [Void] wall, a groan escaped his mouth.
"Hunger? Are you here? Please, tell me. I don't want to be alone... I! Don't! Want! To! Be! Alone!" Nemesis screamed aloud again in pain. He feared the unknown. He had just awoken in an unknown world and had fallen asleep near a town as he wasn't sure how he would enter with the guards by the entrance and thus decided upon sleeping outside.
Slowly, he placed his back against the wall and slammed the back of his head against it. A series of moans and whines were all that was able to be heard within the room as crystal blue tears tainted with the [Void] began slowly forming within his eyes.
While Nemesis is strong and what some would say undefeatable in battle, he had and still has a fatal flaw. He is mentally weak. He had only woken a few hours ago into this strange, absurd new world! Gradually, Nemesis dragged his back down against the wall until he was sitting with his legs held tightly together with his arms wrapped around them. He was seated in the fetal position as the tears which he had kept from falling, began pouring down.
'I... why... I... why...' Nemesis continued thinking those two words for what seems like hours as an endless amount of tears rushed down his pale cheeks onto his knees which his chin rested upon.
As he cried, his ears vaguely heard a clinking sound and the grinding of metal. Unsure as to where it came from he glanced around whilst staying in his position than an unknown series of indiscernible mumbles were heard as he began to think.
'I don't deserve this. Why am I alone? I don't deserve it... I don't deserve such an empty feeling. An empty heart... a lonely life... Why am I alone now? Hunger is gone... Dad and Mom are gone... I'm alone! I... I need someone... I... I need someone... I... Need... Some... ONE... TO... LOVE... M...E...' Nemesis' thoughts started off scared, depressed, hopeless until his thoughts began growing morbid, reliant, dependant on an unknown person... an unknown person which he would meet... he would capture... he would take... he... would...
A small crooked smile grew on his face as his eyes continued pouring tears, however unlike before these tears were empty, hollow, lifeless. Slowly chuckling to himself he shook his head persistently until eventually, his eyes grew weary of the shedding of tears as they closed themselves, only to wake up back where he was before he fell asleep... now, however, his vision of life grew dark and his thoughts, darker as unknown thoughts seemed to be transplanted into his brain with morbid, inhumane actions to deliver upon the demons.
The last thought Nemesis could recollect upon was an unknown voice which spoke to him at the end, as he woke up.
"Nemesis... don't forget OUT revenge! IT. IS. PER-SON-AL!" The unknown voice spoke, Nemesis couldn't remember what it sounded like but he could remember the words.
Clicking his tongue he muttered to himself as he lifted himself off of the ground.
"If I'm correct... then yeah." Nemesis paused as he nodded his head to himself and continued the rest of his thoughts, in, well his own thoughts. 'Yeah, must've been him. He said our, remembering to emphasise it from what I remember, well him saying it was personal makes it more evident. So it MUST be him! Just... how did he speak to me, I thought he was inactive... He told me so anyway, he wasn't lying, maybe... maybe something more heinous is at hand.'
Sighing at how complicated his life was and was still, he glanced around at the familiar walls until he noticed something strange. An unknown path that lay directly in the centre of one of the four walls. If it were a clock, it would be at 12 O'clock.
"How did I not notice that?" Nemesis asked to himself confused. Every night since that first night in his previous life, he had awoken within the [Void Realm] which he only found out the name later on in life, close to the end.
So for over 11 years of his life, he stayed within this room and the feeling is disbelief was too immense to explain. It was as if you lived within your home for 11 years and always slept in your bedroom, getting to know every nook and cranny until one day over a decade later you find an unknown entrance to a secret room.
He already knew what he was going to do now and didn't even need to think of what to do as his body had already begun walking towards the new unknown entrance.