Military Region

The military region that Mo Wen was heading towards belonged to 19th Army Corps of the Jing Hua Military Region. There were about 15,000 students training for combat, but not all of them would serve in the same corps. Some would be relocated to different areas of the Jing Hua Military Region.

The 19th Corps was stationed on the rocky terrain of the Tai Xing Mountain Range. It took Mo Wen seven to eight hours of bumpy mountainous driving on a windy road through the mountains to reach it. Finally, the road led to a canyon containing a large basin, and he could see modern military bases visible on the horizon.

The vehicle slowly came to a halt at the front of a huge parade ground. All the students, nearly two thousand of them, descended one after another and gathered together. The majority of the students were male. Males and female students were separated and under the command of superior officers who were dressed in distinctive uniforms.