Practices the body to transmute into Essence, Dragon Tiger Fist

"Mo Wen."

Mo Wen nodded lightly, neither passionately nor apathetically.

Wang Yuan smiled and didn't bother much if "Mo Wen" was Mo Wen's name or he was requesting him not to ask.[1] He started tidying up his own bed, as the military region had prepared all the daily necessities; they only needed to bring along their personal clothing and personal necessities.

The military region of the Nineteenth army corp was relatively big. It took Mo Wen an afternoon, from noon till late afternoon, to walk and familiarize himself with the normal areas, excluding some restricted areas which he couldn't enter.

The military region was built in the mountains on a relatively big valley, similar to the basin, but the development of the military regions had extended into the mountains, so one would need a few days to be able to finish walking through the whole military region.

Although the military region was big, the activity area was small.