First Encounter with Ancient Martial Art Practitioner, Top Master Hidden Among the Crowd

As soon as the instructor finished his sentence, someone objected immediately, "Everyone is punished to run? Those who successfully gathered within ten minutes are punished to run too?" One person was late and everyone was punished. It was obviously unfair.

Instructor Zhang Lizheng scanned through everyone with his piercing gaze, speaking harshly, "Exactly. When you are in the same squad, if someone is late, everyone else will be punished too." As soon as the instructor finished speaking, a burst of disagreement could be heard from the crowd. Everyone was whispering to each other, looking flurried.

"What? Everyone will be punished?""What if someone was dragging their feet?""How can you do that? That's so unfair!"

Zhang Lizheng frowned and yelled, "Silence!" His cold voice frightened everyone and all the arguments immediately stopped.