The Homesick Soul Afar

At 8 pm, the gala event officially started. The background music filled the entire field and the four emcees of the night slowly strode on the stage. Two were men and two were women. The women were beautiful and elegant, and the men were dashing and tall. Their entrance caught the eyes of everyone present.

One of the female emcees dressed in a white gown was Qin Xiaoyou. When she was in school she was always in charge of organizing the New Year's Eve gala, so tonight's gala event was also organized by her.

Tonight, Qin Xiaoyun was radiant. She probably was the most beautiful woman present at the venue. She alone had drawn most of the crowd's attention. With a white fluorescent gown, feet adorned with silver high heels, an elegant figure, and a face of unparalleled beauty it was as though Snow White had walked straight out of a fairy tale.