A Dance So Beautiful

Just as Qin Xiaoyou finished speaking, the entire venue was suddenly in an uproar. Everyone's gaze subconsciously looked over to the 4th Battalion's area. As for the people in the 4th Battalion, they all started to size one another up, looking for who Mo Wen was.

Previously, there were many people speculating about Mo Wen and guessing what the relationship between the battalion beauty, Qin Xiaoyou, and Mo Wen was. At this moment, Qin Xiaoyou took the initiative to specifically request for Mo Wen to be her accompaniment, throwing him into the limelight once again.

"D*mn, it's that Mo Wen once again. Just what kind of person is he? I really want to have a look."

"F*ck! Mo Wen indeed has a relationship with Qin Xiaoyou that nobody knows of."

"My heart is broken. How can my goddess have someone that she likes?"

"Impossible. How could Qin Xiaoyou have someone she likes? It must be fake! It has to be."
