Nowhere to be found

"Dispose of their corpses, then return to the military camp immediately to report this matter. Especially you, Liu Guangwen. You better get the GPS tracker out of your body as soon as possible," Mo Wen said calmly while casting a glance at the seven corpses on the floor.

Although it was in the jungle, the corpses still had to be disposed of. In addition, Liu Guangwen and Wang Yuan were badly injured, so they had to be treated in the military camp quickly. With regards to the reason and whether they would want to report the truth, it was up to them.

"Both of you return to the military camp first; I will find Qin Xiaoyou."

As soon as he said that, Mo Wen disappeared in a flash towards the trail leading up the mountain. At that time, the sky had completely darkened with only the moon as a source of light shining down upon the lush forest, so the visibility was less than sixteen feet.