The Mysterious Cave Abode

Mo Wen felt his body slide down again. The cliff walls narrowed as he descended, but were still at least two palm widths wide.

He had barely began to descend, when suddenly it felt as if he was stepping on thin air. The next moment, his body plummeted downwards at an accelerated pace. The space below suddenly became much larger.

Mo Wen's facial expression changed. He drew the dagger from his leg and stabbed it into the rock wall. The sharp dagger's edge grinded against the cliff wall, sending off sparks.

It seemed as though he had dropped into a large space. Luckily the bottom was not far down, only about eleven yards or so.

Mo Wen rolled on the ground and dissipated the energy of his fall completely. As he got up his eyes searched around. He discovered he was in a karst cave within the heart of the spacious mountain. Above him, the moonlight crept in through the cracks and illuminated the cave with a faint glow.