Believe It or Not

"Eh? The White Flame Flower, what's that?" Mo Wen widened his eyes doubtfully and looked baffled.

He blinked his eyes and glanced at the lady in black dress, looking sincere

"The stalk of White Flame Flower you were talking about, was it the white flower that dropped by your side? The white flower looked quite mystical to me so I crushed it and fed you. Indeed, that white flower was really unusual as your injuries are recovering so well now. I reckon you will recover fully in no time."

Mo Wen hit the back of his head as if he recalled something and displayed a look of realisation. Then, he opened his arms to mean that the stalk of white flower was gone and had been eaten by her…

The Demoness fixed her eyes on Mo Wen indifferently without a word, then her eyes landed on Mo Wen's backpack.