Cannot Say


Pointing at his nose, Mo Wen looked around.

"Exactly. You," The middle-aged man said.

"What business do you have with me?"

Mo Wen's mouth opened wide. He stared at the middle-aged man with a dumbfounded look.

"Why do you keep babbling so much? Quickly, come over," The middle-aged man said impatiently.

Upon hearing his words, Mo Wen timidly moved closer towards the group of people. He wore a cautious and scared expression.

"Search him."

The middle-aged man waved his hand while ordering a few subordinates around him.

After receiving the order, the few young disciples behind the man came forth and seized Mo Wen. Then, they started searching through his bamboo basket.

Mo Wen did not bring along his backpack, even stealing a set of old clothes from a nearby village and dressing up as a farmer.