Second Great Grandfather

That terrifying oppressive force caused everyone from the Qin Clan to turn pale. One by one, they looked at Mo Wen in fear and alarm. Many of them had not encountered such a terrifying pressure in their entire lifetime.

"The pinnacle of the Qi Nucleation realm!"

Qin Shaoyang took a breath. His face was pale beyond compare. A bad feeling started to stir inside of him.

The situation was not under his control as he had imagined. Today's situation would most likely be hard to settle. An expert at the pinnacle of the Qi Nucleation realm... Even if the entire Qin Clan came forward, it would most likely be very difficult to kill him.

After all, killing a person and defeating someone were two completely different things. If the entire Qin Clan put in the effort, maybe they could defeat the youth before them. However, if he did not fight to the death and instead ran away halfway through, then it would nearly impossible to kill him.