Indestructible Body of Vajrapani

Although ranked martial arts could harness the ability of an ancient martial art practitioner several times, it got more difficult to cultivate the more profound martial arts. Just like the Heaven and Earth Great Shift, as it had an element of being a profound martial art, people who could not easily comprehend things would not be able to cultivate it.

In fact, there were many people who would not know how to cultivate it, even after being given a book on the Heaven and Earth Great Shift. However, most of those who were able to cultivate ranked martial arts were naturally bright and talented. Either that, or they had studied a technique of martial arts very intensely for a very long time.

The Qin Clan had ranked martial arts. However, as the clan leader, Qin Shaoyang had not made good use of it. There were only three people who could cultivate the Cries of Tiger Claw in the whole of the Qin Clan.