Hu Clan’s Secret

After Hu Qiongqi and Hu Guiyuan came back to the Hu Clan that day, they immediately went to the ancestral shrine. After searching for a while, they finally found that distinctive flame pattern inside. However, once they knew the answer, both of them were dumbfounded.

That day, the Ghost Physicians Hu Clan called for a secret meeting. This meeting only consisted of six participants, and for the sake of secrecy, the venue was the heavily guarded Hu Clan's secret chamber.

"What? The Sacred Flame Insignia! How could that be possible?" In the secret chamber, an old man with a white beard and white hair looked at Hu Guiyuan and Hu Qiongqi in disbelief. The face that was normally expressionless was no longer calm, and all his usual self-control was gone at this moment.