A War Between Women

In the Dafang Sect's leader's palace, Gu Jingman and Wang Yinru sat in an elaborate garden enjoying the flowers. Beside them, there were a few maids waiting on them. It resembled an imperial garden in an ancient palace.

"Auntie Wang, what do you think that brat has been busy with recently? He hasn't had time to visit for three or four days. If he doesn't come over soon, I'll just head back to the Gu Clan Fort." Gu Jingman quietly snorted. She threw the nut in her hand into the pond, not caring whether the fish in the water ate it or not.

"Why are you waiting for him?" Wang Yinru curled her lips into a smile. After a few days of rest, she clearly had recovered well. Her complexion looked good and very healthy. Mo Wen's medical skills naturally did not need to be doubted. Aside from her shattered core, her internal injuries had mostly recovered.