Floating Mystery Dimension

It was only after Mo Wen had disappeared completely that the ancient martial art practitioners from the series of the three big mountain ranges finally heaved sighs of relief. As their feelings of reverence, slowly dissipated, everyone shared glances and silently conducted head counts.

They noticed that, although there had been a great amount of casualties among the number of people from the series of the three big mountain ranges, they had still fared way better than the outsiders.

Other than a few dozen ancient martial art practitioners who had died, only one ancient martial art practitioner with the Embryonic Breathing realm had died. Of course, in the context of the series of the three big mountain ranges, the death of even a single ancient martial arts practitioner with the Embryonic Breathing realm was a huge loss.

"Sect Elder Wang Yinru, Sect… Sect Leader Mo Wen…" Hu Guiyuan walked over.