Submission of Hu Clan

The entire family of Ghost Physicians Hu Clan didn't seem excited that all the invaders had been killed. Instead the atmosphere was tense and everyone was nervous.

"Third brother, how could you be so muddled-headed? Mo Wen's identity is so shocking, yet you revealed it to those people so casually." Hu Tianfeng was pacing up and down the hall anxiously with a concerned yet angry face.

On one side, there were some people sitting on the chairs. They were the higher level of the Hu Clan. One of them had a bruised and swollen face and looked as white as sheet. His aura was weak, as if he had suffered a severe injury. That was Third Master Hu.

After the Hu Clan's people had saved Third Master Hu, he finally knew everything that had happened. He was completely shocked and a sense of panic surged in his heart.