Wronged Wan'er

The white-haired elder looked hopefully at Mo Wen, hoping to hear the answer that he had dreamed of from Mo Wen's mouth.

"Of course, there is a chance of recovery. Since your cultivation can be crippled, it naturally can be recovered once again, no matter what the circumstances are," Mo Wen explained. It was not a question of whether or not it was possible, but whether they could manage to pull it off.

Using normal methods, it was almost impossible for a person that had been crippled for decades to recover their previous cultivation.

If Mo Wen had not received the inheritance of Ji Wuya, he would not have been able to treat such a problem. Or rather it should be said that it was almost impossible for ordinary medical skills to miraculously cure the white-haired elder. Only by using methods on the level of immortal cultivators could they possibly change this elder's fate.