Gathering Medicinal Herbs

Although gathering medicinal herbs was a difficult task, it was not too harsh a job to be given. It was just a method to prevent the disciples from slacking off. If they did not slack off, they could usually complete the task.

For someone like Su Wan'er, who still could not complete the task after leaving early and returning late, there certainly was a problem, because she was not the type to slack off.

After inquiring further, Mo Wen found out that Wan'er's task was far heavier than the others. Also, she had to consecutively gather medicinal herbs for a month. Although nature was a treasure trove and there were countless medicinal herbs in the mountains, there were quite a few ancient martial arts sects in the Taihang Mountains. To sustain so many sects, no matter how abundant the Taihang Mountains' resource of medicinal herbs was, one day it would be exhausted.