Mad Lord Chu Yu

There was someone else on the seventh floor! Mo Wen was curious. By rights, there were only a few people who were currently on the Path to Creation. Was he now running into those few geniuses from Huatian Palace?

It was obvious that the person had noticed Mo Wen's arrival, and he looked over rather curiously.

The person was a young man. He did not look too old, about twenty years or so. Though his appearance was nothing out o the ordinary, his eyes were sharp. When they looked over at you, you would feel a sense of awe emanating from them and would involuntarily feel scared.

"You must be Mo Wen," the person greeted him. It seemed he knew who Mo Wen was.

"That's right. And you are?"

Mo Wen moved forward. He knew that the people he would meet here were probably those few from the Tianhou Palace. Rumor had it that they were the most talented group of the younger generation of Tianhou Palace.