Nie Junxue

Without saying anything further, Chu Yu flew onto the Battle Platform. As soon as he went up, several rays of light appeared on the platform. A total of eight humanoid monsters walked out from the light. They were actually not iron puppets but were more like strange creatures.

They were made of flesh and blood. They breathed and had beating hearts. They were almost no different from living things. As for their appearance, their bodies were like that of humans and were extraordinarily burly and strong. However, their heads were like that of bulls, with a single horn on their foreheads and a pair of fleshy wings on their backs.

These monsters were a bit like the Devil Clan but they had no Devil Qi on them. Instead, they had a surging pure energy.

To be able to create puppets to such a level required expert craftsmanship. It was definitely not something an ordinary person could do.