The Bottom of the Ocean of Creation

Mo Wen, whose body no longer showed any changes, was meditating like an old monk. His aura withered, and it was as still as the water in an ancient well. His entire being seemed to be in a state of silence.

After a long while, terrifying energy suddenly burst out from his body and intensified. Its horrifying liveliness seemed to brighten up the entire ocean of creation.

At the same time, a swirl appeared beneath Mo Wen. His body sank bit by bit and in the blink of an eye, he sank deep into the ocean.


Everything happened way too quickly. Even before the Jade Xiu King and the Ink Scaled King could react, Mo Wen's body had sunk more than ten thousand meters.

Their facial expressions changed slightly. Unsure of what was going on, they immediately dove into the ocean and chased Mo Wen.