Naming the Dragon Maiden

No matter how the mysterious unique tree struggled, it could not escape the grasp of the emerald light. In the end, it gradually became smaller. When it was only the size of a palm, it suddenly became a beam of flowing light. It instantly burrowed into Mo Wen's forehead and disappeared.

Huh? What was going on?

Mo Wen was slightly stunned. The mysterious unique tree actually burrowed into his head. Was this a joke? His head was not somebody else's house. Why were things always burrowing into it?

Mo Wen immediately dove into his declarative memory. In his vast declarative memory, the bizarre ancient tree had appeared, as expected. The ancient tree emanated rainbow color light. It seemed to have taken root in his declarative memory, treating it as its home.

Aside from that, the outer layer of the unique tree was enveloped in a sparkling tree-shaped spiritual aura. The spiritual aura was like an illusion, enclosing the mysterious ancient tree within it.