The Difficult Little Girl

The reason why Wang Yinru and Pei Fengwu were so anxious to absorb the Spiritual Transforming Pearl was that they wanted to break through to the Tide Changing Realm to accompany Mo Wen to the Ancestral Sorcerer Battlefield.

All along, only Tide Changing Realm cultivators could enter the Ancestral Sorcerer Battlefield. Anyone with cultivation higher or lower than that did not qualify.

Mo Wen laughed bitterly when he heard that. The two of you wanted to go to the Ancestral Sorcerer Battlefield? Who did you think you are?

"The Ancestral Sorcerer Battlefield is an opportunity for us. A lot of cultivators in the Spirit Realm are fighting for a chance to go there, and we don't want to miss out on this opportunity," Pei Fengwu could only add on with a red face when she saw that Wang Yinru had run her mouth.

They could not help but be uneasy when they found out that Gu Jingman would be heading to the Ancestral Sorcerer Battlefield with Mo Wen.