Friends of Feng Ling'er

Wise Man Ku Ji was suave about it, but it did not change the fact that he had given away his slot to Mo Wen, so Mo Wen still owed him this debt of gratitude.

"Don't fret over this, Brother Mo Wen, it's just a few slots. If you still can't find the remaining few, we'll hand over ours as well," Xiao Jinghe said with a chuckle.

"Did the bunch of you break through to the Tide Changing Realm as well?" Mo Wen looked at Xiao Jinghe and the rest in shock. He did not notice earlier but now that he took a closer look, it seemed like the four of them had indeed broken through to the Tide Changing Realm.

The four of them were ultimate geniuses of the Huatian Palace and were fully supported and nurtured by the Huatian Palace, so their level of achievement was no surprise at all. Besides, they had previously suppressed their cultivation because of the Path of Creation, so it was only normal that their cultivation would skyrocket now that they were out of the Creation Pool.