This is a story about the adventure and fun-filled life of the first magus in a world that only knew cultivation. Join his journey as you experience his joys, horrors, excitement, indignation, and triumphs. Watch him grow and change along with the people and places that he visits. This is a story about life in a world filled with fantasy and majesty. This is the story of the primus magus.
It is an exciting novel. It more depicts the story than tell a story. The use of words is great that accurately shows a story. Thanks for the story and it has a lot of potential. The story has good plot. The characters are well shown. I expect for more faster release soon.
The story is being changed from what it was before. So, all the knowledge I have is based on the previous story. The writing quality is great with a few mistakes that are negligible. The story itself is good as it has a sense of mystery about the main character.
Is it harem or didn't see any tag if u add it will be better. Btw it was great.I added to my list.Great to see some good novel are adding. Keep up the good work.
im a little confused. you say he will be the first magus in a cultvation world but his previous life he was just a normal guy with programming skills. i did read your notes at the end of chapter 4. you say you dont know much about programming but how are you going to use those programming skills in this new life. your novel looks promising but i just dont see how you plan on making this MC a magus if this world he is in is one of Cultivators.
Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.
Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.
When are the updates.hdhdjejdjdjdjdjdjdjfnfjfjfjdjdjfjfnfjfjdkdkslaodjdnejdmdjsmdjdkekdidndidnsidndisjeidhxjskeidjdidjdjejdjdjdjdjdidndjdndjejdiejdidndjdndidndkmdjdjejdndjdjdjskdjdjdjsjdidndjdkskskdieksidjjejsijejsjdjsjsjdjdjjdjsjdjdjjjdjdjsjdjdbejdnejdndjdjdndjjehdjdjendjdndjsndjdndjbxjsbdjsbxnsbdjdndjddndndndnndjdjdjdjdndjdndndjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdndjdjsjdjsndndjdndndndjendjendhdndjsnjddnjndjdndjsndjsnjsjdjdjdndndndndjdndjdnejdnsndjdndjndjdnsjdndjenhskshdndjsjdhsndjdnsjskhdjdnsjsndhdbsjsnehjdbsjsjsnshsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsnsjjsjdjdjdjdjdjsjsjdjdjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjxbxbxbxbxnxbxnxnjwjwkwkwjwjwjwjwjwjwjwjwnwnwnwnnensnejejenenejsjsjdjdjendjsjsjsjdjsnsjdndnendndjdjdjdnsjdnejxjsnudnejdndjsndjsjsjwndjsjejdjwnjddndjdndjsjdjdnjdhdshdjdhdjdndjdndnsjdjdjdjsndjdbjdbdjdbdndndndndndndnddnndndndbdndndndndndndndjdndhdndhdhdbdndndjdndjdndjjddjjsjddjdjdj